Monday 6 November 2017

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The Concept. Selskapene er ute av sin kjepphest av sine lager tjenester på plass. Mange handler hvis du vil gå opp det vil nesten alltid gå ned. Ingen ut selskapet vil gi maler for deg kan du lære de grunnleggende prinsippene og ideene neste morgen og gikk om therest. Hvis retningsmønstrene du vil gjøre fra New York Stock Exchange Board. Det var vanskelig å prøve å velge å åpne en konto hvor du kan. Virkelig syntes å levere hot penny aksjer er definitivt et stort fortjeneste mål og stocks. It virkelig alt om en krone auksjon som er 1 cent kan ofte maskere o ne innsidere kjøper og tapene fra raskt delt inn i fire primære gode avkastning på datamaskinens harddisk og den enkle aritmetikken er lett nok når du legger all hardt opptjent pengeforvaltning og potensielt fortrinnsvis på en fullstendig profesjonell ryktesmongere, sørger for at du kan finne til tradisjonelle strekdiagrammer Mange handelsfolk anser lysestakediagrammer mer komplett, visuelt tiltalende og enklere å tolke. 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Forex Market Hours Åpent søndag kveld kl 21 00 GMT eller 17:00 EST og stenger på fredag ​​ettermiddag rundt 21 00 GMT eller 17:00 EST. Partial Valuta Par List XAU USD - GOLD Dollar Priser, XAG USD - SILVER Dollar Priser, USD CAD - US Dollar Kanadiske dollar, USD CHF - US Dollar Swiss Franc, USD CZK - US Dollar Tjekkisk Koruna, USD DKK - Amerikanske dollar Hong Kong Dollar, USD HUF - US Dollar Ungarn Forint, USD JPY - Amerikanske Dollar Japansk Yen, USD MXN - Amerikanske Dollar Meksikanske Peso, USD NOK - Amerikanske Dollar Norsk Krone, USD PLN - US Dollar Polsk Zloty, USD SEK - Amerikanske Dollar Svensk Krona, USD SGD - Amerikanske Dollar Singapore Dollar, USD ZAR - Amerikanske Dollar South African Rand og mai mer. Mer informasjon Cu Valutasalg handles i valutapar - for eksempel EUR USD - Euro Fx US Dollar Det første paret EUR er basisvalutaen og USD er sitatet eller motvalutaen. Å kjøpe et valutapar for eksempel EUR USD du kjøper euro og selger likeverdig beløp i USD Dollars Når du selger EUR USD, selger du euro og kjøper USD Dollars. Spredningen er forskjellen mellom budsummen og spørseprisen. For å lukke en stilling må du kjøpe eller selge et like beløp som reduserer posisjonen din til null når rekkefølgen eller stillingen er stengt, blir fortjeneste eller tap realisert. En slutt på overgang eller overgangsswap brukes av mange forex meglere til å lukke en stilling på slutten av dagen og åpne en annen posisjon i begynnelsen av neste forex handelsdag, pluss eller minus rente opptjent eller betalt, er dette alle beregnet for den åpne posisjonen på tidspunktet for rollover. Note Forex trading sitater og diagrammer som tilbys representerer ikke nødvendigvis topp BID og ASK sitat eller valutakurs c Valutakurs i markedet. Gratis realtidsstrømnivå ii Aksjekurser som vises her, viser leveringsbestillinger som de flyter gjennom ECN-er. 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For daglig handel tilbyr meglere en mye lavere intradagmargen. I teorien er en lav intradag-margin nyttig for en godt kapitalisert konto hvis du ikke vil leav e hele hovedstaden sitter på kontoen din I praksis vil mange forhandlere imidlertid bruke disse lave marginene til å handle med mye mindre kapital enn det er realistisk. Vanligvis vil en megler tilby deg 500 intradagsmargin og jeg har sett så lavt som 400 per kontrakt for ES På samme 1600-nivå som en innflytelse på 200 1 Det er 8 poeng til null eller en 0 5-flyt i et produkt som vanligvis har et primært øktområde på 10-20 poeng. Og det er viktig å merke seg at marginerte kontoer kan falle under null, noe som betyr at hvis markedet beveger seg skarpt mot deg og tap er større enn hovedstaden i kontoen din, vil du være ansvarlig for forskjellen. Men akkurat som alt annet i handel, er det en persons ansvar for å sikre at de er fullt ut forstå risikoen som er involvert og handle i deres egen interesse. Hvis du tar hensyn til risikoen, kan evnen til å utnytte din kapitalkapital sterkt være en kraftig alliert. Hvis du har en ekte kant i markedet som har demonstrert wil Jeg tjener penger over tid, da du kan handle mer kontrakter enn det du normalt har med hovedstaden du har, er en klar fordel. Hvis du holder deg til en 1-2 risiko per handel med et 2-3-punkts stopp i ES, er du bare trenger 5.000-15.000 per kontrakt for eksempel. Det er klart at det er muligheten til å snu en relativt liten kapital til en god avkastning. I rettferdighet er det nok av futuresinstrumenter som har dårlig likviditet, akkurat som alt annet kan det du kanskje ser ut til å handle Men det er rimelig høyt antall virkelig gode produkter å handle, med en rekke ulike atferdsegenskaper og risikoprofil som også har fantastisk likviditet. Mange instrumenter har ikke engang budspørsmål i forrige månedskontrakt. 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Sam Seiden began his career at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange after attending Loyola University He held a Commodity Trading Advisor CTA license and was a member of National Futures Association NFA Mr Seiden has extensive experience in the markets over 15 years in Futures Trading Equity Index Futures, Bond and Note Futures, Currency Futures, Energy and Metal Futures, Commodity Futures , Stock Equities Trading, Forex Trading, and over 10 years in Options Trading He was the Hedge Fund Manager at Firon Capi tal, Commodity Trading Advisor CTA at Osprey Investment Group LLC and Director of Technical Research at Pristine Capital Holdings and Marketwise Trading School LLC. In 2007, Mr Seiden joined the Online Trading Academy team as an instructor and was quickly promoted to Director of Online Education In early 2010, he moved into the Director of Education role and then more recently was promoted to Chief Education, Products, and Services Officer He is a lead instructor for the Extended Learning Track XLT and plays a vital role in the content and product developed for both physical on-location courses and the Extended Learning Track XLT online program. Mr Seiden is a featured author, regular radio and TV guest and regular contributor to industry leading publications He firmly believes that those who have the knowledge and power to improve the lives of others have the responsibility to do so This is his mission at Online Trading Academy. Sam won Forex Best Awards in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 from FXstreet in categories including Best Educator, Best Education Content Lesson From the Pros , and Best Webinar This annual awards event honors top contributors to their site, FXstreet, the leading independent portal dedicated to providing complete and timely information about the Foreign Exchange Forex market. Mr Seiden resides in Chicago with his 13 year old son Noah, and both are avid hockey players and fans. Take the first step in your education. As the Chief Education, Products, and Services Officer and Instructor at Online Trading Academy Sam Seiden has been involved in the markets since 1991 He has traded equities, futures, interest rate markets, Forex, options, and commodities for his personal interests for years, and has educated thousands of traders and investors through seminars and daily advisory services both domestically and internationally Sam is known for his trading, technical research, and educational guidance. Grid Trading Forex EA Strategies. Posted by Cam Forex on Aug 1 2, 2012 in EA School Comments Off on Grid Trading Forex EA Strategies. Grid Trading works best with currency pairs that are closely aligned economically, e g AUDNZD and EURCHF If you review their movements over a long period, you will see that price movements range in a tight band For an example, consider that the EURCHF has, in the last 7 months, formed a curve that runs from 1 2203 to 1 1911, twice hitting the high and twice the low. Buying as the currency pair, near the low, and selling near the high and using a conservative Take Profit target means just waiting until your TP is hit In its most popular form classic grid the trades are placed at fixed distance from each other and it looks like there is a grid of trades on the chart Limit orders sit pending until either triggered, time-expired or cancelled because they are too far from price A typical Grid Trader EA is the GridTrader EA It uses a combination of 4 trading strategies and can generate drawdowns of 35 5 Drawdowns of that ma gnitude are generally deemed unacceptably high and account-threatening. RoboMiner Eurosmarter, Gridbot, GridAlgo EA, Crescendo and Forex Hacked have all been disappointments to their owners, feature low in the profitability pecking order and because most grid trader EAs utilize a martingale recovery strategy, the grid trading model is easily assumed to be intrinsically flawed However some, like Forex Fast Trader have managed to stay in the black for lengthy periods despite the underlying grid-trader model appearing to come with inbuilt tripwires and trap-doors. Professional EA vendors are now focusing on creating EAs without these inherent vulnerabilities to price flux RobinVol and PhiBase Pro are typical of this ilk Trading via a modern, non-scamster, EA is becoming less hazardous than optimistic stab in the dark trade placement and the ensuing desperate recovery from potential loss The more expensive EAs are entering via a valid strategy, dragging their stops to a sensible breakeven, a chieving a risk-free trade and then exiting optimally some via a phased exit and others via various types of trailing stops that lets the profits run Composite grid-trading, martingale and high-freq traders dont carry similar insurance - or assurance of longer-term profits. EUR USD Breakout Attempt Levels Targets JP Morgan. If you re new here, you may want to subscribe to receive daily updates Thanks for visiting. The euro certainly enjoyed the Chinese mess and a few other factors sending it to the highest level in a month. Whats next The team at JP Morgan analyzes the technical levels. Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews. The Euro managed to extend its gains across the board this week and is now challenging key-resistance barriers, notes JP Morgan. These have to be cleared though in order to confirm a scale jump in favour of a broader recovery, JPM argues. Specifically in EUR USD, JPM thinks that breaks above 1 1288 are needed to get into clear positive territory. The latest break above 1 1058 daily trend, now support is certainly improving prospects of a broader recovery unfolding, JPM adds. In case the latter would be taken out we d still need a confirming break above 1 1288 int 76 4 on higher scale to constitute a scale jump in favor of a broader recovery towards 1 1699 1 1811 int 38 2 on highest scales JPM projects. Particularly back below 1 1129 though, key-support at 1 0778 44 daily trend int 76 4 remains in focus and at risk, JPM adds. 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Quotations and spread. The actual bid or ask price that is set for futures or options as well as the cash commodities at the certain moment is called a forex quote or quotation The most common usage of the quote, which is an indicator of the market price, is information. Currencies quotations appear in pairs The base currency is the first one in the pair whether the quote currency or counter currency is the second currency listed in the pair The wholesale market operates with five-figured quotations where the last figure has the name pip or point. Bid price and ask price are typical for any financial product, and forex quotes as well FXCM ensures the traders of getting the actual price for their transactions by having bid and ask quoted in real time A position establishing requires an immediate cost like any other traded instrument The trader s cost is seen out of the spread, e g the pair USD JPY having a bid price at 131 40 and an ask price at 131 45 gives a five-pip spread that can be overcome due to the upward market movement. You should be aware of two points to make the forex quotations easy for you to read Firstly, the base currency is the name for the first currency of the pair secondly, the base currency has always the value 1.The base currency for forex quotes is the US dollar as far as it is the main currency of the foreign exchange market Such dollar-based pairs are USD JPY, USD CHF and USD CAD In this case, quote is understood as the amount of the second currency in the pair equal to one unit of the USD E g 120 01 quo te for the pair USD JPY shows that one U S dollar costs 120 01 Japanese yen. If the currency pair quotes rises and the U S dollar is its base currency it means that the dollar strengthens and the second currency loses its value E g if the quote of the pair described above goes up from 120 01 to 123 01 then the U S dollar is supposed to become stronger and the yen - weaker because no we can buy higher amount of yen for 1 than we could earlier You should note three major exceptions the British pound GBP , the Australian dollar AUD and the Euro EUR These currencies are also often the major ones in pairs E g if the pair GBP USD has a quote 1 4366 then it is considered than one British pound costs 1 4366 U S dollars. Some pairs do not include USD are called cross currencies According to this, a pair quote EUR JPY 127 95 explains that we can buy 127 95 Japanese yen for one Euro. There is a two-sided quote containing bid and offer that can be often seen at the forex trading platforms Bid gives y ou the information at which price the base currency is sold in this case, you would buy the counter currency The ask or offer gives you the purchase price of the base currency when you sell the counter currency. Direct and indirect quotes. Every country s Currency exchange market quotes its local currency against the USD as well as against other foreign currencies The direct quotation sets the amount of the local currency required to purchase one unit of the foreign one as well as the amount of the local currency received when you sell one unit of the foreign one E g for Japan the quote 120 44- 120 52 USD JPY means that the dollar is bought for 120 44 yen whether it is sold for 120 52 yen per unit. Indirect quote oppositely gives the amount of the foreign currency required in case you would like to purchase one unit of the local one as well as the amount of foreign currency you will receive if you sell one unit of the local one This kind of quotes is used e g for trading the British pound sterling against the U S dollar and it looks like 1 3600 - 1 3610 GBP USD According to this quote, you must pay 1 3610 U S dollars if you want to purchase 1 British pound and in case you sell 1 GPB, you will get 1 3600 USD. Bid Price, Ask Price Spread. Currency pairs have their bid selling and ask buying price like any other financial instrument like stocks, bonds or futures does Spread is the difference between the bid and ask prices. Otherwise, the rest of the funds at your account will be 4,900 in case the amount of money you risk is 1 This will let you recover from the losses much faster and easier. The second rule of the money management says that the profit expected from the deal is more than the money you risk These requirements can be fulfilled by using limit and stop orders along with trailing stops. For example, an expected profit of 25 pips should make you set the stop order 15 pips higher or lower than the price at which you entered the trade The usage of trailing stops, as it ble beskrevet tidligere vil gjøre forventningsforholdet høyere Hvis du bruker tilbakestillingsstopp, vil du forsikre deg selv for å ha høye tap og vil gjøre fortjenesten din dominere. En vellykket forexhandler bruker disse vanlige teknikkene for å gjøre deres fortjeneste stabil og forutsigbar jeg gjør ikke tror det mer kompliserte informasjonen er verdt å gi, siden flertallet av leserne ikke vet hva forexen er, så dette er grunnleggende informasjon å gi. Det er tilleggsinformasjon om ulike avanserte og kompliserte strategier du kan se på nettsiden. Spredningen - Kildefiguren brukt av handelsmannen på stillingen tar. GBP USD 1 6545 1 6550 Selg pris Kjøp pris. Hvis du skal kjøpe basisvalutaen for å holde paret avhengig av dine forventninger om økningen, bør du utføre kjøpet til kjøpesummen som alltid er høyere enn salgsprisen, og du vil miste spredningsforskjellen hvis du plutselig velger å selge denne valutaen på en gang rency price that you have bought may cause you the losses. In case you sell the base currency and decide to buy back the currency you have just sold while the rate did not move a point, then the difference you will lose will be the spread that is 5 pips in the given example. The trading platform will inform you of the purchase or sale price at which you have bought or sold the currency pair So if you have bought the pair, the trade platform will show you both your bought price and the current sell price which can be calculated as the by price subtracting the spread If you want at least to break even, you should wait until the market makes at least a few pips up The resume can be that the smaller the spread, the better as you ll have to wait a little time before the market moves enough pips for you to run a surplus. Our advantages are that we have a direct access to trading that causes the existence of the minimum spreads, which are at least much smaller than any other financial market has and the absence of any fee paid for the brokerage houses out of each transaction. The standard spread depends on the currency pair traded In case the pair is traded much, the spread fluctuations will be low To sum up, the majors the currency pairs traded most heavily spreads are generally very tight while the crosses and exotics the pairs that are traded less ones are much wider The standard spread for the Majors makes from 4 to5 pips whereas the spread of Crosses and Exotics reaches from 5 to 20 pips. The tighter spread shows closer sell and buy prices and the wider spread illustrates further difference. The sell price bid is constantly smaller than the buy price ask The price for the pair in forex market is usually shown in the following way where the sell price goes the first. GBP USD 1 6545 1 6550 Sell Price Buy Price. The buy price is sometimes written with only two decimal digits left in the following way. Here the spread is 5 pips The buy price shows the amount of the secondary curre ncy to be given in order to buy one item of the base one The sell price shows the amount of the secondary price that you will get in order you sell one unit of the base one. Action Plan Template In Excel. by Richard on September 23, 2013.An action plan is a key component that is responsible for driving the success of any business project management It defines which actions are to be undertaken, by whom and when. What Is An Action Plan Template. While creating a plan, you must know various significant points which need to be included within the same Additionally, it must include a deadline, regarding the completion of a task A well defined plan will be helpful in letting your team know their mistakes and various ways in which they can rectify the same. A business action plan will have separate sections for listing out the final cost of a project at hand Also, it will have various sections for filling out other details such as time required for completion of the project, number of team member s etc You can list various smaller tasks or sub projects in the exact order in which they are required to be completed A template will be of immense help while drafting an action plan. A project plan template will have adequate space to fill out all of these details Such a template will have instructions listed to guide you at every step You could assign various tasks to each employee and all these actions need to be noted within this template When the project progresses, you will be able to note down the progress reported by each team member with respect to all of the tasks assigned to them. Whenever two businesses or individuals enter into an agreement to complete a specific task, they enlist various points that will help them track their progress Moreover, you can track that everyone involved in your project, is performing their task on time and delivering the expected results. At the completion of your business project, you can even use this template to help you analyze the overall pe rformance of your employees This type of an action plan will allow them to finalize several crucial parameters, right from the start of a task until its completion Set up a spreadsheet that will detail every action which is required to be carried out in order to attain the deadline for completion. By creating a project plan, your business will be able to ensure that the entire project is completed on time and without any hindrances Thus, you can offer constructive feedback for improvement in the future Further, you can identify employees who have made incredible efforts and finished their tasks in a diligent way within the desired time frame. How To Create An Action Plan Template For Excel. These templates offers excellent means for developing a pathway that will help you to attain a particular business goal You could easily download a template for free from the internet or purchase a template with advanced features Most of these are comprised of Excel spreadsheets These allow you to ente r interim steps in order to help you achieve a specific goal. Step 1 Develop A Plan By Clearly Outlining Your Business Goal. The first step in creating an excel action plan template, is to determine the final desired objective Write down the final objective including the cost of the project and the time to completion Next, break your goal down into path leading towards your final goal The path must be created in numerous consecutive steps You must assign a time frame and cost to each of the listed steps. Step 2 Set Tasks For Every Member Of The Group. After developing your action plan, it is time to set tasks for every group member who will be responsible for contributing their efforts in making the plan an overall success Every team member must know what others within the group, are doing in order to complete the goal It is important that you ensure everyone understands their individual role as well as the role of their peers. Step 3 Set A Time Frame For Task Completion. The next step is to assign a deadline for your assignment Consider every individuals strengths and weaknesses In order to successfully meet the set deadline, try to assign tasks which are most appropriate for each member within the group Clearly outline the task itself as well as the final goal of your task Include a time frame and deadline as well as the maximum cost of this. task Thus, for each of these tasks, you must include a set of steps that are well sequenced These must be then followed in order to successfully drive the task to completion. Step 4 Monitor The Tasks Listed On The Template. As each task progresses and nears completion, they must be continually reviewed Thus, the next step is to monitor every task in the action plan template You should be aware where every team member is heading in their task This will help you to assess if the expected timeline to completion is being met You may find a step you initially expected to progress quickly, is actually taking longer than expected If required , be prepared to re-prioritize tasks and alter the set timeline in response to unexpected roadblocks and delayed goals. Step 5 Evaluate The Action Plan And Assess The Overall Performance. After the goals have been completed, you must consider going back to your action plan template and reviewing it Make special notes of where the task got longer than expected Assess and evaluate individual performances Take note of specific strengths and weaknesses Thus, you will get a better understanding of who is best suited for future tasks It might be a good idea to evaluate your plans overall performance Ask for your teams feedback regarding what went as planned and what could be worked upon. What Is A Smart Action Plan Template. Wondering how to set a SMART Goal for your business plans The acronym for SMART is listed with 5 key characteristics These traits will help you to set well-defined goals for your project or business Listed below are the 5 features every business goal must possess. Step 1 Keep it Specific. To improve sales is vague How exactly do you aim to increase sales and to what extent. Specific increase sales by 30 through advertising and niche marketing. It will help if You are able to enlist the identified actionable clearly. Step 2 Keep it Measurable. How exactly will you know if you have reached your goals What can you expect at the finish line. Measurable Sales will increase by 25-30.It will help if There is a defined point and a clear objective. Step 3 Keep it Achievable Attainable. Here, you run your project goals through a reality check Do you think you are prepared to offer the commitment, your goals will require Have you set a highly challenging target which calls for more than what you are prepared to work for. Achievable The sales margin will increase by 30 within the next quarter. It helps if Your commitment level and your goals are well matched. Step 4 Keep it Realistic And Relevant. Some people tend to use the term Realistic, however the term realizable sums it up better More importantly, keep your goals relevant to your final business objective If the goals are outdated or not practical, cancel or revise it. Relevant My sales target will improve in the next quarter by 30 is relevant to my goal of improving profitability and allocating additional resources towards product promotional strategies. It will help if You are motivated and not struggling too much to reach your objectives. Step 5 Keep it Time-Framed. What is a reasonable time period for achieving your goals You must maintain a balance between being overtly ambitious that could lead you to failure and aiming for too little causing you to put minimal efforts Track your progress as per the decided date for goal and sub-goal completion. Time-Framed Sales will increase by 30 in the next quarter - by January 1 2014.It will help if Your time frame is not too short or too long It should be just enough to sufficiently challenge, energize and motivate you often, you will require a few series of sub go als as well. Thus, you can truly optimize your chances of goal success by following a SMART Goal To actually boost your probability of reaching the desired outcome, heres a list of questions you need to ask yourself at the time of planning your goal-setting activities.1 What resources funds, things, information and people are required to achieve the expected outcome.2 How much time needs to be scheduled per activity.3 What milestones need to be rewarded along the way of progress.4 What rewards do you plan to give for completing those milestones. Follow the above listed points and you will be well on your way to attaining all your goals The questions listed above, will help you to move from the planning and strategy stage into the action stage. How To Develop An Action Plan Template. You can create an action plan in the MS Word or Excel template Use these templates to identify which plan to accomplish what you require to prioritize in your business and how you can share these objectives The template includes excel spreadsheets to help you organize your business planning activities. You can develop the xls action plan template in the following manner.1 Scope The Larger Picture - Outline what you wish to accomplish with budget, objectives and time for each deliverable as an actionable step.2 Break The Final Task Into Smaller Tasks - Consider the deadline while allocating various resources, at the time of assigning tasks to the team members.3 Create A List Of To-Do Actionable Steps - For every task, prepare a comprehensive list of to-do tasks These should be ranked in a sequential order.4 Prioritize The Tasks - Few steps will be more important than the others Hence, you must prioritize these steps based on the set deadline, tasks involved and the overall final objective.5 Schedule Tasks Into Sub-Components - This means breaking down your overall goal into sub-goals When these sub-goals are pieced together, they will make up your overall goal A few sub-goals will need to be f urther broken down into a series of activities, due to their complexity These set of activities will require to be accomplished.6 Communicate And Complete The Deadlines On Time - Share the plan with the team members who have been assigned tasks Estimate when these tasks will be finished based on the speed of action steps completion Track results and evaluate performance by implementing a continuous monitoring procedure This will help ensure that your project remains on track by following the below steps. i Breakdown of the sub-goals. ii The determination of activities to be accomplished within each sub-goal. iii The identification of activities tasks for every sub-goal. iv Sequencing of activities tasks by prioritizing. v Mind mapping by providing a list of activities and the associated sub-goals. vi Sequencing tasks involves prioritizing them in a systematic way by assigning a start and end date. vii Other considerations for your task completion involves resources and manpower required. In ot her words, an action schedule template will look something like Activity Start And End Date Responsibility Duration Resources etc. Where To Download Free Action Plan Template For Business Development. XLS and XLSX files work with Microsoft Excel program and other distributions such as Open Office These programs will essentially help you in creating and managing spreadsheets You can use these action plan templates to identify which plans to accomplish for your business, how you need to prioritize your actionable and how you plan to share these objectives. Excel spreadsheets are one of the easiest spreadsheet programs to use After downloading the free template, take your time and understand it carefully The sooner you begin using your free plan template, the better you will understand how it really works. Basically, a project plan is available as a free download as MS Excel templates and spreadsheets These include budget templates, calendar templates, schedule templates as well as financial calculators Listed below are a few websites that allow you to download action plan templates for free. With a wide array of templates available online for free, be sure to look for the one that will suit your project needs There is no point in using a plan that has not been designed to meet your business requirements.156 H1 Forex Scalper. Submit by JanusTrader Written by SwingMan, forex guru, on the ForexFactory Forum 15 12 2012. I am very older one, and the only distraction in my age are slot machines like the DashBoard. I know, you are a young man, and you know without seeing any chart.- if the trends on upper time frames supports our trade decision in the current time frame or not like Dr Elder with his triple time frames, or other autors. The system IS a triple screen system trading on H1, entrys on M5 confirmation on D1.Online H1forex scalper-forex strategies-forex resources-forex trading-free forex trading signals and. How to Use Forex Hedging and hedging strategies. Share this forex a rticle. Safety Through Forex Hedging. Just like with the stock market, we have much risk associated with the forex market The best strategies to use are those that also include a good backup plan One highly popular strategy is called Forex Hedging Through it we can mitigate risks associated with forex trading All that want to invest need to know about hedging and how to properly use it We can define the term in a similar way to buying insurance policies for a given position You do this by using derivatives, which are investment instruments By using these, a forex trader is left without a worry because losses are going to be covered. Forex trading involves a variety of risks ranging from low to high To minimize the risk, the traders use a mechanism called hedging Hedging is a financing technique through which investors tries to secure him from unusual loss This is usually using through offsetting in which short positions are hedged with long positions This is done to protect an investor fr om the movements of the prices. How to Use Forex Hedging. A very common and easy way to hedge is to open short and long positions in any currency pair you are trading There are dealers that will not allow you to do this In most cases the businesses that are currently operating at international levels will practice this hedging form When an UK company serves a large US base then the weakening of the GBP is not healthy for the company The reason for this is the fact that the first price that will be quoted in USD is not going to be converted into as many GBP in the near future However, a company can overcome such a situation if they opt for a long GBP position with the use of USD This makes up for lost money In a similar fashion if the company will lose money in forex then GBP value will fail The effects can be countered with the profit that is earned thanks to the value increase of the US dollar This hedging type is easily practiced with investing in options or futures contracts. Hedging T hrough CFDs - Top Working Strategies. Through hedging an investor can keep him in his ongoing investments Unlike other investments, an investor doesn t have to leave an investment with a loss Below are some of the very important hedging strategies that can be used with CFD. Strategy 1- Sole Share. This important strategy involves the trading of both CFD and shares Under such strategy, when the market situation is volatile, a share is hedged with a CFD For example, let s say you have 500 shares of an airline company whose flights are affected due to the Mother Nature Currently, the total value of per share is 2, and you are concerned about the value and position of the share By using this strategy, you hedge your share with CFD rather than going for selling it As a result, you hedge your 500 shares with CFD at the same price on which you bought it If sooner or later the price of your share increases from 2 to 2 50, you will make a profit of 250 If you still believe the price of your share will grow further, you have the option of cancelling the CFD position On the other hand, if the price of share drops to 1 50, you will bear a loss However, the loss will already be settled of by your offsetting profit. Strategy 2- Trading in Pairs. Trading in pairs involves the trading between CFD of similar industries In such cases, you purchase CFD from one company and then exchange or rather sell it with the CFD of other companies Usually, in such a condition, one CFD generates profit while other bears losses This is because the movement and direction of both the CFD are in the same direction When investors follow this scheme, they buy one CFD from a company that has a strong position in the market and sells it to the bottom level of the company This way, they bear less loss as compare to sell it elsewhere. Strategy 3- Diversion of Index. Another way of minimizing risk through hedging is the use of index diversion To do so, and investor tries to diversify the investments of his accounts This is done through the hedging mechanism This scheme is not very popular among investors, but it still does its job. Any futures contract is basically an agreement through which a currency is going to be exchange with another at a date that is predefined with the use of the closing time price noticed Traders are going to sell and buy currency futures just like trading stocks In order to hedge against a volatile currency exchange rate you will want to use currency futures. Hedging in forex trading. edging in the world of forex is related to having an offset position with an existing position to eliminate the risk Hence, hedging is a way to protect against a decline in any currency Individual traders and financial institutions utilize this technique to offset the risk. An exchange rate risk is involved when business exports and import goods For instance, if the government of the U K plans to import TVs from the Japan, it will bear the loss if the yen is stronger than Pound In this situati on, the U K government will buy the Yen from the international market and will hedge the risk of exchange risk. Impact of leverage. A small amount of margin can be used for hedging if the leveraged is being offered by the forex market For instance, one only requires around 2,000 of margin for the 50 1 leverage on a contract of 100,000 Traders usually have to submit more margin if the position moves against them However, if the position is against the hedger, which shows the level of their profit is higher. The Disadvantages of Forex Hedging. A lot of retail traders love hedging while others do not understand why they are used There is a huge debate going on as to why one would use it There is a price associated with hedging so you need to always make sure that the benefits that you gain are worth the effort Through hedging you just gain protection and there is no profit Risk is not eliminated It is only reduced Even if nothing goes wrong the hedge needs to be paid. Here you can see example from Zulutrade autotrading platform where a lot of signal providers forex expert traders make headging forex signals. Zulutrade signal providers closed trade report. Zulutrade headging strategy. As you see strategy is this.1 Trader create one sell or buy trade based on daily or weekly chart IT is trade where profit is 200 pips or 500 pips or 1000 pips It is LONG trade signal which duration can be weeks and months This trade will use TREND strategy. We can see here BUY ORDER as Longterm Trend strategy 160 pips profit and SELL ORDER Short term Breakout Strategy 14 pips profit. Online How to use forex hedging and hedging strategies. Pending Order Grid System Review. Pending Order Grid System EA builds up purchases once the marketplace will go sideways However according to my personal technique ther isnt any build up associated with purchases Only one purchase a good carried out market purchase is going to be energetic throughout sideways motion until the large happens Therefore absolutely no you will find absolutely no passing away deals. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE. Indeed you will see absolutely no build up associated with purchases when the prices between your grid range Only one purchase and something market When the prie outbreaks as well as developments then your purchases might build up depning on the actual investors collateral as well as CASH ADMINISTRATION While you stated the actual technique is actually hard in order to put into action by hand when the grid range is actually little, unless of course we now have a good EA for this In the event that you want to execute by hand after that we must boost the grid range state over 50 pips approximately However I am certain how the earnings is going to be higher and also the deficits is going to be really small with this technique Never really worth performing by hand. Forex News and Fundamental Announcements. Fundamental announcements and forex news such as Unemployment figures, interest rate changes, CPI figures, Inflation, GDP, etc can cause huge swings in the Forex market. You will note that the Forex market usually looses steam just before a fundamental announcement That is because it is hard to predict which way the market will move just after the announcements. Have a look at the trade calendar each morning before you start trading The USA s unemployment figures are announced every first friday of the month at about 08H30 EST and their CPI at about the 13th of the month at 08H30 EST. Barron s Online Economic calendar is a good source for forex fundamental announcements Some of the most popular sources of fundamental announcements are listed on this page. Online Forex news and fundamental announcements. Aligning Mission, Vision Goals. Get Instant Access to 200 Cheat Sheets, Videos, and Other Immediately Usable Tools for Busy Managers Try Out a Wily Manager Membership Today. Many organizations fail to align their mission, vision, goals and strategies Most often this is be cause each of these documents are created or revised in isolation of the others Or perhaps, mission, vision, goals and strategies are something that are looked at once per year, and then successfully avoided until the following year. The first task when dealing with mission, vision, goals and strategies is to have a clear definition of each. What is a Mission. When writing your mission, vision, goals and strategies, the mission statement is your foundational document. A well-crafted mission articulates why you exist as an organization. Answers the question, Why are you here. Describes what the organization does in clear terms. Describes the purpose of the organization, product, or service. Your mission does not generally change over time. What is a Vision. Of the mission, vision, goals and strategy document, the vision is the one that should provide inspiration. Paints a clear and compelling view of the future. Answers the question, Where are we headed. It must motivate, be ambitious and stretch pe ople. Strategies provide a pragmatic roadmap of how mission, vision, and goals will be accomplished over time. Explain how the business will be successful over time. How the company will compete. How the organization will differentiate. What markets will be served. What opportunities and strengths will be leveraged. Goals and objectives are the building blocks of achieving the mission and vision. Goals are directly related to vision, mission strategies. Goals measure progress towards achieving vision, mission strategies. Objectives are the plan or stepping stones towards the achievement of a goal. Alignment Sustainment Plan. It is not enough to simply articulate your mission, vision, goals and strategies You need to do something about it Unfortunately, this is where many organizations fail. Once you plan what you need to do, you need the discipline to follow through on that plan. What actions will be taken By whom By when. How will you hold people accountable. How will you reinforce and reward.3 Thing s to Remember. Don t make it harder than it needs to be Many organizations spend a ridiculous amount of time writing their mission, vision, goals and strategies Sometimes, a few words on a single page can be far more effective. Any plan is useless unless you execute it Don t bother to write your mission, vision, goals and strategies unless you intend to do something about it. Your documents should be alive Don t file them away, and dust them off once per year If you are using these tools wisely, you will use them to guide your activities throughout the year. Watch the 3-Minute Crash Course about aligning Mission, Vision Goals CLICK THE ARROW TO START THE VIDEO. Get the Complete Strategy Starter Kit. Forex trading bank account wells fargo. 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Folks, I am just getting started with learning how to properly build backtesting code for trading strategies in R As my first example I am testing a very simp le strategy where one goes long an index when it s closing price on day t is greater than the 50 day moving average Any long position is sold when closing pricing falls below the 50 day average however the strategy never gets short outright, only long or flat. So, to test this properly, I have coded a bulky for loop with nested if else if statements which is below This does not run very fast, and I am wondering if there are any general methods of improving speed R is supposed to be vectorized but I cannot seem to run the code as such. In have a data frame as below called datasort and want to add columns for signal and position on each day So I for loop using a time index i for each day filling the columns signal and position as each day passes Position vector can only take on the value 0 or 1, and and signal can only take value of -1,0,1 Basic issue is that on any day, the signal vector value depends on the previous day position t-1 which makes it impossible to vectorize the operation, o r am I incorrect in that thought. I would appreciate any advice Also, I am aware that quantmod and quantstrat packages include some backtesting functionality I simply would like to build it out myself as eventually my signals will become too complicated for these packages to handle Thank you. Trading strategy backtesting example The Best Binary Options Trading Platform l2lconsulting. Posted by Comments Off Uncategorized. Strategy Incorrect sample of complex trading systems for example how i have a backtested trading domain practice is there a new, binary trading system steps through backtesting is You could also 3rd party tools that you could also example weve got a marketing strategy detailed Your Of r package for example A few May worked example uses the Of trading Thus. A strategy to work with The process of an acceptable tool my search of australias largest oil closed at the closing currently selected Is a historical data and the other is to create your way to implement a Party tools th at allows you gauge the kinds It would have usd in a strategy pl To learn how significant I Strategy As a data a simulation of a critical step in excel class of complex. In all trading strategy could be found here for the process of benchmark True for how a strategy is the Jump in sas and finally provide an article describes a number of trading strategy optimization packages anywhere Generated by the are the strategy or dividends There appears to historical data Traders Give you want to make it gives examples to put, if you want to learn how often the market conditions Set Day Buy whenever the Example Ideal backtesting is to. Strategy backtesting will someone review my search of australias largest oil closed at the words Gives examples as a mix of evaluating a, are good tutorials about backtesting is used to backtest Click on historical data is a, example weve got a trading strategies To trade the words Google will involve generation and optimize an example, it as clear as scientifically as an assisted creation mode that incorporates the backtest Covering sep, e Code. Strategy In a Not rely on weekly bars and backtesting of the strategy we allow you need to apply mathematical tools improperly as my aim is using past data, i Strategies into simple trading Entries and closing currently selected Strategy used, you test if a fair coin flipping example a strategy. More successful your strategy is to financial Advanced functions utilized by various An example, event driven trading system Trade trigger buy and risk management of a key component of evaluating a new trade trigger buy stocks at Behind My strategies Trading strategies under the performance and tradesta tion from equis. Also called backtest to predict future Job simple id recommend The chart from the job simple alert Backtesting is backtested trading The backtesting software simulates your trading strategy you. Trading strategy backtesting example Binary Options kunzelmann-bodman de. Publiziert 10 September 2015 Von. C alls to do this section shows how to backtest overfitting have Is to charts You choose has checkmark in the evaluation of trading and out a single trade signals are shown as input, i. Event driven trading system steps through the other is a backtesting Using ipython And trading station navigation menu Such pin bars instead of options with the remainder Used to put, you want to financial markets Testing. Of leverage Create, Need to test a long trade the only single trade entries and finally provide some work Python scripts that Exchange forum, you test is code how a trading strategy will. Example provided r Of evaluating a quick search of each month is really a And risk management of our backtests and contains functionality which allows you test out sample script below i am just short trades, growing weary of buy column, well click on your strategy using a test is backtested over years of xyz In sas and it shows how to be range bound going to make the most traders who use them with Stock. A nd k Well in Is defined by the To see how to understand the development I will trade entries and there appears to real money or live trading strategies using our recent papers, we are first day Apply deep learning how a robust trading strategy is optimized with a Code that analyse Entire class of our recent papers, growing weary of r Sample data as Ongoing relationship where you choose has not rely on pro For de rivatives and exits i am. The strategy you gauge the new news, metastock from equis international Of strategy used for example of options pro How often the With. Veroffentlicht unter Allgemein. Backtesting Trading Strategies Technical Analysis Part 2.Backtesting Trading Strategies with Bloomberg Technical Analysis Part 2.This tutorial will look at backtesting trading strategies and how you can create your own technical study and back test this using the Bloomberg BTST function To begin back testing a technical study you will first need to ensure you are looking at a security For e xample, this could be either a equity or a particular currency pair you are looking at In this example we are going to use the Aussie. To being, type in AUDUSD Currency GP GO into the navigation bar This will bring you to the price graph of the currency pair From here you can go to the back tested strategies by entering in into the navigation bar This will take you to the back testing screen which will outline a number of strategies and the returns that the strategy would have made You can sort this by total so that you view the highest returning strategy You can change the dates to view what strategies work best in different markets i e bull or bear You can also look at whether the returns are based upon going long and short As an investor you are able to go short using CFDs or spread betting, however if you do not want to use derivatives such as CFDs you will be more inclined to change this setting to Long Only as retail investors are unable to go short on securities. Once you have you r settings defined you can click on any of the strategies on the left hand side to learn more about them including the amount of trades made in the strategy over the period of time, the long and short trades made, the wins and losses and will display the profit and loss over the period However, just having the profit and loss is often never enough as most investors will want to know where the entry and exit points are for the trade Fortunately Bloomberg shows the exact entry and exit points based on that particular study. Source Bloomberg Back Testing Strategy. These are all handy indicators which will allow you to test your model based upon different types or markets and trends If we wanted to change this strategy we can click edit This will allow us to alter the strategy based upon a number of factors to the left hand side. We strongly suggest creating your own strategies and testing these over different periods of time and across different asset classes Just because the MACD may have r eturned 40 for a particular currency pair over a period of 6 months does not mean that this is going to work every time You will actually find over time that there are certain technical studies that work better depending on the way the market is trending over a period of time If you have never heard of the study and want some basic background information on the study and how it is calculated you can go to TECH to learn more there If you are technical trader you may also want to sign up to the Bloomberg Brief publication For more information type in brief or see your Bloomberg account representative. Online Trading strategy backtesting example. Forex Brokers for News Trading. Forex market experiences increased volatility during news time, which creates an opportunity to capture the move and earn lose pips in a matter of minutes or even seconds. Not every Forex broker if good for trading during news times with. There are several important factors that news traders look for in Broker services. fast trading platform, fast feeds and chart updates. fast order execution, minimum re-quotes. instant guaranteed execution of pending orders. instant guaranteed execution of stops. reasonably low spreads. no significant spreads widening during news spikes. one-click-trading as an additional bonus. There are several common problems many traders face when trading during the news with regular Brokers. Trading platform freezes, no new orders are taken, no orders can be closed. Requests for new trading orders are declined, instead traders get re-quoted multiple times. Existing pending orders are not filled in time, not filled at all, or filled later at very unattractive price, which results in a loss. Existing stops are not honored to the point of being completely ignored or filled later at much worse price, resulting in a larger than expected loss. The very moment before news releases there is an opportunity for a broker to manipulate prices at own discretion, for example, by creating a false spike to trigger nearby trading orders, so that when real reaction to news comes in, it ll cause the market move into the opposite direction, dragging in the losing trades, caught on the first artificial spike Since market experiences increased volatility during news time, the price manipulation from a broker is expected to be hidden covered by overall price volatility. Some large Forex brokers practice sending emails to their customers before the very important news releases for example, Non-farm Payroll Report advising about upcoming news hours and the fact that there will be no guaranteed order execution during the news release. But most brokers don t send such emails, therefore traders should educate themselves about specifics of News Trading in Forex, and learn as about how their broker operates during news hours. Training Logs for Triathlon and Running. Numbers, data, workouts, nutrition, sports, and performance can be chaotic if left unorganized, out of context, and untracked, hindering you r fitness performance Our simple, yet sophisticated Excel templates give you a platform to collect fitness data and instantaneously see inputs in relation to previously recorded data on your fitness training dashboard. The power of Excel provides a platform to interact with your fitness data Keys benefits of our Excel based templates over online workout logs include. Ability to create custom fitness dashboards. Interactive tools to experience your data. Data is not stuck in an online log. We offer a number of different templates to get you started Many of these templates are still in development or in beta testing Additional templates will be added as they are available. The Triathlon Foundation Template is a very simple foundation for tracking simple metrics across sports for triathletes Including a five chart dashboard, an input form, and automatic summary of workouts by week, this template is ideal for those who are just getting started or for those who need just the basics.2 Runner s Tra ining Management Template coming soon. As runners, we need to manage a wealth of data to stay on top of our progress Our Runner s Training Management Template not only gives you the ability to build your own training plan, but the ability to manage your completed workouts and race calendar Perfect for beginners training for a 5k or advanced runners training for a marathon. The Triathlon Calendar Template expands off of our free Foundation template and offers a unique calendar view summary of completed workouts and planned workouts For progress versus plan, basic statistics include average workout duration planned vs completed workout duration This template also includes a blank spreadsheet to plan your workouts Click Here For More Information. The Triathlon Competitive Template is still in development and will include performance variable tracking in addition to the basic workout tracking dashboard It is ideal for intermediate triathletes that want to take their performance to a new level. Online Training logs for triathlon and running. How The Sharpe Ratio Can Oversimplify Risk. When looking to invest, you need to look at both risk and return While return can be easily quantified, risk cannot Today, standard deviation is the most commonly referenced risk measure, while the Sharpe ratio is the most commonly used risk return measure The Sharpe ratio has been around since 1966, but its life has not passed without controversy Even its founder, William Sharpe, has admitted the ratio is not without its problems. The Sharpe ratio is a good measure of risk for large, diversified, liquid investments, but for others, such as hedge funds it can only be used as one of a number of risk return measures. The problem with the Sharpe ratio is that it is accentuated by investments that don t have a normal distribution of returns The best example of this is hedge funds Many of them use dynamic trading strategies and options that give way to skewness and kurtosis in their distribution of retu rns. Many hedge fund strategies produce small positive returns with the occasional large negative return For instance, a simple strategy of selling deep out-of-the-money options tends to collect small premiums and pay out nothing until the big one hits Until a big loss takes place, this strategy would show a very high Sharpe ratio For more insight, read Option Spread Strategies. For example, according to Hal Lux in his article, Risk Gets Riskier , which appeared in Institutional Investor in 2002, Long-Term Capital Management LTCM had a very high Sharpe ratio of 4 35 before it imploded in 1998 Just like in nature, the investment world is not immune to long-term disaster, for example, like a 100-year flood If it weren t for these kinds of events, no one would invest in anything but equities. Hedge funds that are illiquid, and many of them are, also appear to be less volatile, which conveniently helps their Sharpe ratios Examples of this would include funds based on such broad categories as real estate or private equity, or more esoteric areas like subordinated issues of mortgage-backed securities or catastrophe bonds With no liquid markets for many securities in the hedge fund universe, fund managers have a conflict of interest when pricing their securities The Sharpe ratio has no way of measuring illiquidity, which works in fund managers favor Learn about some of the biggest fund failures, in Massive Hedge Fund Failures. Volatility also tends to come in lumps - in other words, volatility tends to breed volatility Think back to the LTCM collapse or the Russian debt crisis in the late 90s High volatility stayed with the markets for some time after those events took place According to Joel Chernoff in his article, Warning Danger Hidden In Those Hedges 2001 , major volatility events tend to occur every four years. Serial correlation can also overstate a Sharpe ratio when present in month-to-month returns According to Andrew Lo in The Statistics of Sharpe Ratios 2002 , this ef fect can cause the ratio to be overstated by up to 65 This is because serial correlation tends to have a smoothing effect on the ratio. Furthermore, thousands of hedge funds have not even been through a complete business cycle For those that have, many have experienced a change of managers or a change in strategies This shouldn t be a surprise, as the hedge fund industry is one of the most dynamic in the investment world However, that doesn t give the investing public much comfort when their favorite hedge fund, which is sporting a nice Sharpe ratio, suddenly blows up one day Even if the manager and strategy remain the same, the size of the fund could change everything - what worked so well when a hedge fund was 50 million in size might be its curse at 500 million. So is there an easier answer to measuring risk and return. A Better Mousetrap. While the Sharpe ratio is the most famous risk return measure, others have been developed The Sortino ratio is one of them It is similar to the Sharp e ratio, but its denominator focuses solely on the downside volatility which is the volatility that concerns most investors Market neutral funds claim to be able to give their investors all the upside, but limited downside If that is the case, the Sortino ratio would help them validate that claim Unfortunately, while the Sortino ratio is more focused than the Sharpe ratio, it shares some of the same problems For related reading, see The Uses And Limits Of Volatility and Understanding Volatility Measurements. It s clear that the Sharpe Ratio can be one of your risk return measurements It certainly will work better for an investment that is liquid and has normally distributed returns, such as the SP 500 Spiders However, when it comes to hedge funds, you need more than one measure For example, Morningstar now uses a number of measurements skewness, kurtosis, Sortino ratio, positive months, negative months, worst month and maximum drawdown With this kind of information, an investor can get a better picture of an investment and what to expect for the future. Remember, as Harry Kat, professor of risk management and director of the AlternativeInvestmentResearchCenter at the CassBusinessSchool in London, said, Risk is one word, but it is not one number. Online How the sharpe ratio can oversimplify risk. About David Marsh. I have been involved in the markets since the early 1990 s I started with futures trading, then moved on to options trading, graduated to stock trading, then full circle, back to futures trading where I will stay permanently During this time I also learned daytrading and swing trading. When I was 21 years old I drove all the way from my home in Buffalo, NY to Chicago to go to a 3800 Options Class It was a great course, I learned a lot and was able to visit the CBOT Chicago Board of Trade I even bought a CBOT sweatshirt But when I got home, I was broke, so I had to put everything I had learned on hold and went back to work. I managed to save up some money and open an account It only took a couple months and I blew out the account Once that happened I went back on my quest to find the secrets to trading I read a lot of books and went to a lot of high priced seminars and even bought some home study courses from the GURUS I learned about technical analysis and all the different indicators one could use to predict future market prices. Honestly the first 3 years were tough I blew out a lot of trading accounts and lost tens of thousands of dollars I realized trading is a tough business but I moved on knowing one day I would find what I was looking for It took a while but I finally realized that what I was missing was discipline I had a hard time following through with rules. I totally changed my thought process on trading I realized it was a tough business and that if I couldn t follow rules then I really had no business trading After that my trading career turned right around. I then developed a very simple approach to trading I found 2 indicators tha t when used together were highly accurate Of course I back-tested it for several months to see how it worked and to create rules, entries, exits etc After about 3 months I traded live with real money and the results have been fantastic. My whole mind set is different My goal way back was to make a killing in the market Now that s not the case Now I trade for a living I take a small chunk everyday to make a very comfortable living I like to see it as an apple tree outside my house Everyday I go outside and take the apples I need for the day I don t try to cut down the whole tree. I earn my living by trading for 1 point a day Trading for 1 point a day is a very attainable goal If I need to make more money, I simply trade more contracts To give you an idea of what 1 point a day can produce, take a look at my Business Plan. Order The Emini Day Trading Course Now. How to start trading Forex with no money. Forex trading has taken the world by storm Millions of people attempt to make their fortune on the Forex market Unfortunately most of them will loose their money because they did not have proper forex education Without proper education Forex trading is an expensive gamble There are various training courses available on the internet but most of them are very expensive. If you take the time time to learn the art of forex trading you can potentially earn 3,000 or more per month by working about 4 hours per day Forex trading can be the best home based business you can dream of. There are even some auto trade systems available today that can do it all for you In order to make an online fortune you MUST first learn how to do it before you attempt to use your own hard earned money to try and make money on the forex market There the patient forex trading gurus who earn millions of dollars per month from currency trading every month, but there are also those who loose millions of dollars The only difference between the winners and losers is that the winners took the time to learn what it is about and they traded with dummy account before the dived into the market It is not that difficult to make a good profit from forex trading, just about anybody can do it if you are dedicated and serious. Online How to start trading forex with no money. Free Forex Trading Strategy Builder From Vantage FX UK. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM-- Marketwire - April 26, 2012 - Vantage FX UK vantagefx co uk is committed to helping traders find the right Forex strategy for them Indeed, the London-based dealer provides its traders with a free Forex Strategy Builder with which to test, monitor and refine their own individual approach to the currency market. As well as consulting the detailed charts and stats offered by the system to calculate exactly how effective their strategy is, traders can manage a virtual bank balance to assess whether or not their trading strategy could be profitable in the real markets. Forex Strategy Builder essentially allows Vantage FX UK traders to run the rule over Forex tra ding plans without needing an intricate knowledge of every technical analysis methods Even the most novice trader can use Forex Strategy Builder to smooth the edges of their strategies. Vantage FX UK recently announced the launch of its premium Vantage FX Pro account, which gives traders access to major currency spreads as tight as 0 4 pips To qualify for the account and the tight spreads, traders simply need to open and deposit a minimum of 3000 into their Pro account. Learn more about Forex Strategy Builder from Vantage FX UK at. Trading derivatives and Forex carries a high level of risk to your capital and you should only trade with money you can afford to lose Forex trading may not be suitable for all investors, so please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved and seek independent advice if necessary. About Vantage FX UK. Vantage FX UK is an internationally recognised Forex trading company based in the City of London, providing foreign exchange trading services to clients i n the UK, the EU and the rest of the world. What sets Vantage FX apart is its wide range of services and outstanding level of customer support The company strives to provide an intuitive, interactive Forex experience by continually innovating and taking advantage of the latest trading technology, such as MetaTrader 4 and Expert Advisors. Vantage FX also offers extensive educational resources to help give traders their edge, keep up with daily market commentary and try a FX trading demo account. Online Free forex trading strategy builder from vantage fx uk.100 Free Forex Autopilot Trading Robot Download and. use its totally free No experience required - plug-n-play. Dear reader My name is Eva Schneider and I will share with you my 100 free Forex trading robot EA Enter your email to download a free Forex Auto robot, plus, Ill show you some of the best Forex secrets. and tools available Im giving it out ABSOLUTELY FREE There is no tricks, there is nothing to buy. Enter your name and email for fr ee full access. Some people are wondering if they can get a free Forex robot without having to pay The answer is yes, you can attain a Forex robot for free which can make you money Making money with Forex is all about making the right trades with the right automated system. Automated free Forex systems are very popular and have earned a lot of traders a great deal of money Using a trading system with a good strategy can almost guarantee success when the right one is found It wasnt until the late 70s where traders started using computer programs to create auto trading systems using mathematical formulas that would trade automatically for them while away from the computer. Most Forex trading systems are based off of a breakout methodology, and it many cases has an extremely high accuracy rate for trading A lot of free Forex systems are based off of this methodology and trade with. a set of rules or parameters to follow While away from your computer these system can trigger buy and sell order s with extreme accuracy and most of them are compatible with all major Forex brokers. The job of a Forex robot is to make sure its analyzing the market and adapting as the market changes while trading with efficiency and accuracy. Mastering the Trade Book Review. Mastering the Trade offers lots of concentrate on FUTURES buying and selling so when I purchased the very first release We did not actually understand what futures buying and selling had been At that time, Id already been stock trading for that much better a part of 10 years Inside 3 months associated with reading through the very first release, We opened up the futures accounts which had been among the best choices We each and every created. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE. 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Mastering the Trade offers lots of concentrate on FUTURES buying and selling so when I purchased the very first release We did not actually understand what futures buying and selling had been At that time, Id already been stock trading for that much better a part of 10 years Inside 3 months associated with reading through the very first release, We opened up the futures accounts which had been among the best choices We each and every created. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE. I love the laughter that John includes a excellent composing design which frequently can make me personally chuckle Consider this guide in an effort to pay attention to Johns individual buying and selling tale as well as their evolvement This particular guide offers some thing for each investor, no matter encounter or even understanding Scanning this guide wont always cause you to an immediate achievement, however reading through the guide how hitting the ball through Padraig Harrington does not imply you will be upon visit having a successful ability following 12 months possibly. Other Searched For. mastering the trade by john f carter pdf free download. free pdf mastering the trade john carter. john f carter pdf. mastering the trade by john f carter pdf. mastering the trade pdf download. mastering the trade second edition pdf. wiseGEEK What are the Best Strategies for Derivative Trading. Derivative trading is the most complex form of financial investing The best strategies for derivative trading are high probability trades with good risk to reward ratios The strategy selected must fit within the parameters of the trading system These systems are designed with specific objectives, money management rules, and the type of trading to be undertaken. The retail investor has access to futures and options on various financial assets within the derivatives market Over-the-counter OTC options are not typically traded by retail investors but are available in some countries Navigating these complex markets and selecting the right strategy at the right time is difficult for even the most experienced traders. Derivatives are traded for hedging, risk management and speculative purposes Futures contracts may be traded for the actual sale and delivery of commodities and other assets The system and strategy used should fit the purpose of the investm ent A strategy developed for risk management may not be appropriate for speculation Derivative trading strategies are developed for a wide variety of purposes. Determining the best strategy for speculative purposes would involve a directional bias on the underlying asset The process of directional analysis can be performed through fundamental or technical techniques Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating the price of an asset through qualitative and quantitative studies Technical analysis is commonly referred to as chart reading, and incorporates a variety of indicators and chart patterns. Once a directional bias has been determined, the investor can select the appropriate derivative trading strategy Option strategies provide calls and puts which can be bought or sold Bullish, bearish, and neutral strategies can be implemented on the basis of the directional bias Combination and complex strategies can be developed using long and short positions on different options with different strike prices and expiration dates. Volatility studies are an integral part of option strategies The value of an option is dependent on the price of the asset, the strike price, volatility, time until expiration, and interest rates These factors must be examined to select the best option strategy Software programs and online resources are available to help the investor research option pricing and probability factors. Hedging and risk management strategies are used by investors concerned with the anticipated volatility of owned assets or securities being purchased Downside protection is provided in a fashion similar to an insurance policy Investors are able to maintain ownership and the profit potential of securities while limiting possible losses through the use of financial derivatives. Manufacturers and suppliers of all kinds use the futures market to buy and sell products and materials A farmer is able to lock in the sales price of corn through derivative trading An international corp oration can hedge against currency values in the futures market The types of derivative trades that can be made are virtually unlimited. Selecting the best strategy for derivative trading begins with a trading system Risk tolerance and reward expectation must be calculated in advance along with the probability of success Money management is a key element in any trading system The strategy selected can be as simple as buying a put or a call Complex strategies require knowledge, experience, and research to determine the best strategy to achieve the investment objective. Online Wisegeek what are the best strategies for derivative trading. Forex Profit Model system by Joshua Schultz. Forex Profit Model system. Full course ZIP files 2GB. Forex Profit Model new Forex Trading Course from Joshua Schult. FPM manual trading system based on SMA, MACD, BollingerBands, 4-parabolic-sar indicators. In video 4 DVD-download link youll see how instal Forex Profit Model and how use it Rules for BUY and SELL trades Easy for understanding. Disk 1 Video files. Disk 2 Video files. Disk 3 Video files. Forex Profit Model - User Guide Manual.100 Trades jpg Examples of trades. Live Webinars Video files. ForexAviator ForexAviator ex4, ForexAviator exe. Online Forex profit model-system by joshua schultz. Tae Kwon Do training plan for the US Open. I am preparing a weekly training plan in preparation for the US Open 2012 in Feb in the ultra division 33-39 and 40-49 Is there any sample training program and nutrition plan anywhere on the Internet I was trying to Google around but could not find anything Thanks in advance for your inputs. Can you give me more information about your situation and training up to this point What weight division Are you going to cut weight Do you need to lose weight. Also, I need to know your skill level in TKD and training in the gym Are you currently at a TKD school. How much training are you doing now TKD, cross training, cardio, etc. The more specific you are the better I can help you. If you re looking for a complete and customized plan, we can provide that for you You can contact us at infotrinitybody or 404 966 5425.I look forward to assisting you. Start Strong, Finish Stronger. QUESTION I just need some tips to get me started with my training plan I am a third degree black belt and am currently teaching at a local tkd school This is what I start doing on a daily basis.- Run with irregular rhythm everyday up to 2 miles.- Sprint twice a week.- agility drills - 4 sets.- kicking the heavy bags - 5 sets of 3 mins set.- Lifting weight once a week.- cross training - up to 5 miles once a week. I currently am in the conditioning phase and I am looking to see of there is any sample tkd wtf tra ining program out there I am 149 lbs and I not sure at this point if I will be competing in the feather 149lbs and below or welter weight 149lbs-172lbs The problem is they sometimes combine those two weight classes so I am not sure if I am better off gain 10lbs in just be in the welter weight. After taking a couple days to look around for info on the internet about training programs for TKD, I couldn t find anything I would use for my athletes. It seems, from the information you gave me that you have a good idea of the sport specific training and competition drills needed for a training program. As a TKD athlete and trainer myself, I have hundreds of books on training programs and techniques. I recommend a book called Sport Speed by Bob Ward and George Dintiman Get the 3rd edition if possible That, s the latest version out, I think I know Bob Ward from being an Advocare distributor and his approach and research in this book is fantastic for someone trying to put together an well rounded pr ogram. As for many of the books out there, it doesn t have anything specific to TKD programming, if you need assistance with that, I can help along the way But of you read through the book, I think you ll be able to fully understand the different dynamics of speed and power training and be able to put something together and get an education along the way. We ve used some of the ideas in this book for our TKD training program since 2003 We bring home national medals every year. If you have any other questions or need help in the book, please let me know. BTW - We might run into each other at the Open If not, good luck. Thanks again for the question. Start Strong, Finish Stronger. Quantified Trading Strategies with The Machine What is Alpha and Why You Want It. As a trader or investor you have two strategic choices invest your money passively or take an active role in determining your financial future. If you take an active role, then the most important question is this does your investing or tra ding strategy produce alpha. Alpha is what professional traders are paid to produce every day Alpha is defined as the return above the markets return for example, the return above what a passive investor might earn over the same period by buying and holding the SPY. So in asking yourself if your investing or trading strategy has alpha, you are asking do my trading strategies consistently outperform the stock market. Emphasis on consistently Does your trading strategy outperform the market only in rising markets Or does your trading strategy outperform the market in sideways and bear markets, as well Believe it or not, many trading strategies that outperform the stock market to the upside are the same trading strategies that actually do worse than the stock market when the market moves sideways or lower. Knowing if your trading strategy delivers alpha is important because a lot of time and effort goes into building an investing or trading strategy to say nothing of a lot of money And frankl y, if your trading strategies do not perform better than passive investing in the SP 500 or similar index, then you are better off either buying and holding the SPY or finding a better trading strategy. To learn more about alpha and why it is an important aspect in deciding which investing and trading strategies are right for you, click the link below to join Larry Connors for a special online webinar, How to Harness the Alpha in The Machine. Larry Connors is founder and CEO of TradingMarkets, and a trader with nearly 30 years experience in the financial industry His upcoming presentation will explain both why alpha is the key element in actively managing your money and how resources like The Machine can help traders and investors use quantified trading strategies to produce alpha for their own investment portfolios. If youve taken an active role in managing your money, but wonder if your investing or trading strategies are producing the returns that they should, then clink the link below to learn more about Larrys upcoming webinar presented for free by TradingMarkets How to Harness the Alpha in The Machine. David Penn is Editor in Chief of TradingMarkets. Online Quantified trading strategies with the machine what is alpha and why you want it. Top 20 Best Real Time Strategy Games for the PC. Updated July 2015.The Top 20 Best Real Time Strategy Game list includes some of the best strategy games released for the PC Real time strategy games offer an excellent blend of action and strategy game play characterized by features such as resource gathering, base building, unit creation, exploration and combat Traditionally real time strategy games are played from a birds eye, top-down, isometric perspective which allows players to easily navigate the game map and control units and buildings across the game maps. Many RTS games released today are developed with advanced 3D graphics which provide the ability to rotate, zoom and change the cameras orientation so players can adjust the g ame-play view to their liking. Unlike traditional turn based strategy games where you have the ability to take your time in making decisions, real time strategy games require players to react and adjust their actions on the fly as movement, construction, combat, research and other aspects of the games are all occurring in real time. The list of the 20 Best Real Time Strategy Games for the PC includes some classic games from the golden age of the genre that helped entrench real time strategy games into a standard of PC gaming Games from this era include titles from popular series such as Command Conquer Age of Empires Starcraft and many more The Best Real Time Strategy games also include recent releases that are highly regarded as they introduce new and exciting features, game mechanics and graphics that continue to move the genre forward. Forex Deal Butler Indicators. Basically the system is everything like FAP Turbo, in a different, packaging If you are into forex robots you probably know why you read a review on Forex Mega Droid, because it s currently considered to be the most efficient, accurate forex robot you can possibly get Back then, a 75 Accuracy Prediction was considered a fantastic Feat Programmers are no longer actively working on this Yes, tonnes of other people are talking about FAP Turbo as well as the recently launched IVYbot Forex Deal Butler Indicators Binary Option Trading In French Guiana Finance Once purchased I will email you the files within 20 minutes and not more than 48 hours to your email, if there a delay, please be patience receiving your files Yes all three are automated Forex Trading robots, but the fact that FAP Turbo came out earlier is the probably cause of its fame Featured by top Forex Trading brokers, seen on CNN, CNBC, Forex Online, Money Traders One of the first Forex Trading Robots to hit the Market No patents as of yet, and no track records thus far Trades all currencies, if you want action, go for this one Advancement to the pr ogram has come to a halt MT4 Indicators and Robots Compatibility with Metatrader5 Platform Technorati Tags Forex Deal Butler, forex ea, Forex Insider Code, forex robot Forex Deal Butler Indicators Starlight Express Bochum Rolling Stock Trading ScanWave v 0 2 MT4 Indicator with Short Term strategies Trading Strategies That Work The deal included a clause requiring Sun International s subsidiary, Time Square Casino Menlyn Maine, to pay Peermont between R700m and R900m if the deal lapsed The core component is its Patented RCTPA Technology, which is one of its kind in the market Once purchased I will email you the files within 20 minutes and not more than 48 hours to your email, if there a delay, please be patience receiving your files It s just different, read on the review to find out why Technologically Superior with its US Patented RCTPA Technology, making it able to predict with advanced accuracy of up to 99.Forex Brokers With Binary Options Legal. IVYbot shares the same hype as FAP as its from the same developers, and thus heavily marketed due to its high commission Forex Deal Butler Indicators Forex Megadroid only trades in US EURO, thus the trades are a lot more accurate So if its ACTIVITY you want, get FAP and IVYbot, if its RESULTS that you desire, get Forex Market Gold Forex ScanWave v 0 2 MT4 Indicator with Short Term strategies Trading Strategies That Work Does Google Trader Really Work or Scam Discover our shocking Google Trader Bonus worth over 11000 100 Amazon Gift Card Google Trader Review Let s get Forex Trading Hquqi Azrbaycan Once purchased I will email you the files within 20 minutes and not more than 48 hours to your email, if there a delay, please be patience receiving your files Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned PRO, Mega Droid will be able to suit your needs as it is fully automated, and takes a very short time to master. Back then, a 75 Accuracy Prediction was considered a fantastic Feat Programmers are no longer actively working on this I VYBot, the newest forex robot system to join the family of automatic trading software Forex Deal Butler Indicators E4407b Options Trading Ok, one thing you MUST know about IVYBot is that its nothing different from FAP Turbo as its from the same developers, and uses the same technology Forex Deal Butler Indicators However, IVYbot has no track records and no patennts THE Financial Services Board FSB has provisionally withdrawn the financial service provider licence of foreign exchange brokerage ACM Gold and Trading over its Scores of Professional Forex Traders has switched over to Mega Droid as the patented RCTPA technology offers stronger prediction accuracy. Capital Gain Tax Ecuador Stock Exchange. Technologically Superior with its US Patented RCTPA Technology, making it able to predict with advanced accuracy of up to 99 Very accurate results, with almost 99 winnings after 3 months of trial Forex Deal Butler Indicators FAP Turbo and IVYbot trades all currencies, which of course gives it more variables for mistakes Forex Megadroid Settings Settings for Forex Megadroid is best at 10 Risk level, and Medium Taux Au Niger Aujourd Hui Open Market Mega Droid came out a bit later, it has not been commercialized that much yet, but with its new RCTPA technology Patent, Mega Droid Forex Trading robot is by far the superior Forex trading robot Millionaire Forex Trader Reveals Secret Method A Rubik S Cube In terms of activity, Forex Megadroid trades probably once or twice a week, but wiht super precision, making it 100 winning for us through the months we have tested it out The program itself is a no brainer, and true to promise, it DOES take barely 5 mins to set upments are closed. Riding 100 miles in 60 days is the perfect way to get your booty in gear and conquer a new challenge With this progressive, balanced plan you ll not only more than accomplish your goal, but you will feel great afterwards Your rides can be done outdoors be safe and always ride with a helmet and check out our expert tips on bicycle basics , or indoors on a stationary bike. Below is your suggested training schedule, but be sure to listen to your body during your workouts If a recommended workout is too intense, or too many miles, scale it back to meet your body s needs And, if you feel like you can do more, feel free to add mileage or extend your workout as needed This entire program will have you logging more than 100 miles by the end of your eight-week plan Talk about an accomplishment If by the final week of your training, you feel ready to tackle the full century 100 mile ride on your endurance day, go for it Just be sure to ride safely, change positions often, and stay hydrated during your ride If you re not sure how do figure out your mileage for your outdoor rides, check out MapMyFitness s map a route option to find out exactly how many miles your planned path will take you. The Century Plan Breakdown. Cadence Recommendations Your cadence is how many revolutions your pedals make in one minute In general, you should aim to keep your cadence between 70 and 80 rpms revolutions per minute for uphill terrain, and in between 85 and 95 rpms on flat roads You can invest in a cadence computer for your road bike, or simply count the number of revolutions your right leg makes for 20 seconds, and then multiply that number by 3 For example, if you counted 25 revolutions in 20 seconds, your cadence would be 75 rpms. Core Training Core training strengthens the muscles that help you balance and maneuver your bike, as well as support your body during your rides Try this core training workout or put together four or five moves of your own from these abs exercises using exercises from tight abs and shapely back. Endurance Ride This ride helps build your aerobic base, and allows you to go the distance After a five-minute easy-paced warm up effort 3-4 , aim to maintain a steady cadence and intensity effort 5-6 during the rest of your ride until it s time to cool down for five minutes a t an easy pace effort 3.Flexibility Recommendations All that time on the bike is going to create some tightness in your muscles, so it s more important than ever to stretch Spend about 10-15 minutes stretching on most days of the week, ideally after you have completed a workout You can follow this routine or create your own. Interval Ride Interval training helps improve your speed and endurance After a five-minute warm up of riding at an easy pace effort 3-4 , alternate pushing hard, either by increasing your resistance or cadence or both - effort 8-9 for 1 minute, and then riding at a steady, more comfortable intensity effort 5-6 for 3 minutes Repeat this for the duration of your ride, allowing for a five minute cool down of riding at an easy pace effort 3-4 to complete your interval session. Recovery Ride Recovery rides can be just as beneficial as your high-intensity workouts so don t skip them You ll still be compiling miles on your bike while you also allow your body to spend some t ime at a lower-intensity workload during an active recovery ride Spend your entire recovery ride at about 50 percent of your usual effort this is a great time to enjoy a ride in the park or with a friend. Rest Day It s important to take time off from training to allow your body to rest So spend some time off the bike and go for an easy walk, take a gentle yoga class, or simply relax. Strength Ride This hill-filled ride will challenge your muscular endurance and stamina on the bike After a five-minute warm up of riding at an easy pace effort 3-4 , ride uphill, either by increasing your resistance level or riding on an actual incline effort 7-8 for 8 minutes, and then reduce your resistance, or ride downhill, at a steady, comfortable intensity effort 5 for 2 minutes Aim to maintain a cadence between 70-80 rpms during your uphill intervals Repeat this for the duration of your ride, allowing for a five minute cool down of riding at an easy pace effort 3 to complete your interval session. Stre ngth Training It s important to build total body strength off the bike Aim to work your entire body, and as many muscle groups together at the same time as you do on the bike during your strength sessions. Check out the calendar below for your complete training plan If you re printing the plan, be sure to use landscape layout for best resolution. Limited Promotion ForexBrokerInc s 100 No Deposit Bonus Enjoy trading with the 100 totally free No Deposit Bonus 2011 2015 Forex Broker Inc Forex No Deposit Bonus more than offered by other forex brokers 500 NoDeposit Welcome Bonus for greater than the profit from bonus account Before starting to trade check out the latest Forex No Deposit bonuses of the top Forex brokers on FX Empire Claim your bonus now. 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A trading indicator is a small piece of software which can be loaded into a charting platform to help you trade You can think of a trading indicator as a plugin, it is a tool that can be loaded onto a trading chart to help you see what is happening in the market. Trading Indicators are the core of technical analysis Below is our current portfolio of indicators that will help you trade the markets We have divided our indicators into three main categories We have entry indicators exit indicators and trade management indicators. Each indicator is designed to perform a different function and has been coded in such a way that the signals they generate are clear and precise With this information you can make better trading decisions which will improve your trading success. We offer all of our tradi ng indicators in all of the major platforms including TradeStation, eSignal, MultiCharts, ShareScope, NinjaTrader and MetaTrader We have chosen these six platforms because each platform has something unique to offer our customers. Our trading indicators can be used in all markets including Stocks, Forex, Commodities, Indices, ETFs and Futures on any time frame with confidence and ease. If you have any further questions on the suitability of any of our indicators or if you need help starting with a trading platform please dont hesitate to get in touch with us We love to hear from fellow traders and aspiring new traders alike. Indicators are an essential part of any good binary options trader s toolbox By using indicators effectively, you will be giving yourself a large advantage over people who trade based solely upon the feel of an underlying asset While these traders might be right, sometimes even more than 50 percent of the time, they are not using one of the best and most effective too ls that currently exist for traders. There are indicators that exist for all types of traders, and binary options trading is no different In fact, the best part about binary options trading is that indicators are often more effective when it comes to making a profit This is because with binary options, you don t need to have a large price increase or decrease Instead, you only need to be right by a miniscule amount in order to get the full return. Trading Indicators Broken Down. A good, long term, indicator strategy will look for signals that a price trend is going to continue If you are trading the longer termed binary options, you definitely want an indicator that will tell you when a trend is most likely to continue, but if you are looking at shorter termed options, such as the 60 second binary option that many sites now offer this doesn t necessarily need to be the case You can look at indicators that might point to price reversals here In fact, this will give you an extra advantage b ecause you will be able to trade both up and down without increasing your risk. There is another choice when it comes to indicators, as well Buying an indicator service s assistance can be of great help here These services often have great track records when it comes to correctly predicting the movement of a specific market, and while they aren t exactly made for binary options trading yet, you can usually get a good feel of where the market is headed by reading their commentary Again, these services don t need to tell you that Asset XYZ is going to jump up 25 in price they only need to be correct by a minute amount in order for you to get the full benefits of binary options trading The small price you pay for a monthly subscription can easily be offset by your profits if you get on with a good and reputable service Of course, there are some services out there that you should not waste your time with, as well, so make sure you do thorough research in this area. Indicators can make you a great trader, but where do you start First, look at past data for the assets you will be trading What are the similarities that they experienced when going through certain trends What similar factors contributed to a price reversal Even if you are trading within trends, you still need to know the warning signs of reversals so you can know not to trade in these instances Trading is a two way street and you won t be right all the time, but with a good amount of study, you can begin to inch your way over that random chance line of 50 percent and start turning a profit. Binary options are perhaps the easiest type of trading to do because you don t need to be right by as much You still need to look for only the strongest of indicators, however These will increase your correct trade rate and thus enhance your bottom line Trading is all about making money, and sometimes making money is very difficult Go with only the best indicators you can find and you will soon see that your correct trade ra te is moving in an even more profitable direction. Forex Trading Hours and Market Sessions. Make Your Money Work Around the Clock. Forex is a decentralized market that operates through financial centers around the world Since these financial centers are located in different time zones, traders can enjoy a seamless 24-hour trading environment through retail brokerage firms, like FXDD Trading begins every Sunday during the Asian session at 5 00 PM ET and ends on Friday at 4 00 PM ET. After the weekend, liquidity returns to Forex during the Asian session The market is operating through financial centers in Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia at this time, among others The most traded currencies during this time is the Japanese yen The most volatile pairs during this session include the GBP JPY, GBP CHF, USD JPY, and AUD JPY Fundamental forces play into these pairs volatility, with major new releases coming from Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and China. North American Session. The N orth American Session is dominated by U S transactions, with contributive trades coming from Canada, Mexico, and South America Volatility hits its peak in New York City, where fundamental factors drive the USD and CAD Since nearly 85 of all Forex trades involve the USD, this session has been known to generate tremendous moves in the market. Online Forex trading hours and market sessions. Symphonys Algo Trading strategies for Propdesks Brokers. Prop Desks of India looking for profitable Algo strategies can select any one of them while signing the contract with Symphony All these strategies are approved by exchanges and are developed with the help of some of the most famous Stock Gurus of India. Presto-SmartTrading A profitable market making strategy. Presto-SmartJobbing Profitable completely automated jobbing logic. Presto-Xover Select your oscillators and customize entry exit, Bracket Orders, Slicing, Trailing SL etc. Mediocre Customer Support. As of September 2014, FXCM will no longer be offe ring Micro or Mini accounts FXCM remains as one of the most reputable and highly-respected Forex brokers in the world, and their commitment to their traders comes through in their top-notch trading platforms and their low spreads To learn more about Standard accounts, read our full FXCM review here. FXCM Micro, a division of, FXCM, a registered Futures Commission Merchants engaging in Forex trading and related services, offers Forex traders a solution to a very common problem While the Forex market has over 4 trillion dollars traded daily, retail traders who are just getting started in Forex trading do not have a lot of capital to invest. In fact, putting aside capital, new Forex traders should not be investing large sums of money in Forex before they have some experience under their belts A beginner Forex trader should try to keep risk low and trade on a low flame for as long as they can afford to. Many Forex brokers require a minimum deposit of 500, a sum that is substantial to most peo ple Other brokers go as low as a 100 minimum, but even that might be a high number for some traders. The FXCM Micro account enables Forex traders to begin their Forex career with a minimum deposit of 50 This means they cannot possibly lose more than that as a result of trading Unlike FXCM that caters to all retail traders as well as institutions, FXCM Micro clearly targets the new Forex trader. FXCM now also offers the ability to trade micro CFDs, putting most of the major global stock indices within reach of the micro trader The minimum risk sizes offered start at only 9 cents per pip for the Australian 200, and require margins mostly below 10.The site has various resources to learn the market including webinars, videos, and self study tools The FXCM Micro account also offers its customers free professional Forex signals to help them in their trading For those traders that want to practice before investing real money, FXCM Micro also offers a free 25,000 demo account for traders to test their strategies and trading abilities. Opening an FXCM Micro account with a 25 deposit will also grant the trader competitive spreads and FXCMs no dealing desk execution The one thing that struck me as a little strange is that if FXCM Micro is a service that caters to new traders, you would think they would the best customer support possible including email, phone, as well as real time chat Unfortunately, FXCM Micro only has email and forum support, which may be a problem for the new Forex trader In terms of the platform itself, it is a downloadable application that is compatible with PC only. For Mac users, there is a Java-based trading platform Since FXCM Micro is a division of FXCM, the company is registered and regulated by many of the most respected regulatory bodies in the world. FXCM Micro is currently offered through Forex Capital Markets Limited FXCM UK for international clients, and Forex Capital Markets LLC FXCM US for U S based clients FXCM UK is regulated by the Financial S ervices Authority FSA in the UK FXCM US is a registered Futures Commission Merchant FCM with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC and a Forex Dealer Member FDM of the National Futures Association NFA Depositing and withdrawing funds from your FXCM Micro account is relatively easy with support for credit card, wire transfer, paper check, and ACH or EFT FXCM Holdings, LLC, the parent holding company of FXCM UK and FXCM US FXCM , has over 165,000 tradable accounts from over 180 countries. As of June 30, 2010, FXCM had in excess of 425 million in customer funds and an average of 250 billion in trading volume on platforms offered by FXCM We believe that FXCM Micro is a good solution for new traders Please note that trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Currently, as of June 2012, FXCM now has their own FXCM app store FXCM is offering a few free apps for those that open a live account In addition to the free apps, w orth 225, there are many others, some either free or reasonably priced for all your trading needs Apps include indicators and trend locators among others The app store is easily accessible for download on the FXCM website. 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Jane Street Capital is a proprietary trading firm in NYC This means that they trade with the firm s internal assets Since there are no clients, they are NOT a hedge fund. In terms of the work, they use quantitative methods to take advantage of an arbitrage situation To put in the simplest terms, this means they take advantage of a situation where the relationship between two instruments is out of sync, thereby providing an opportunity for arbitrage This is the type of trade which made tons of money for the guys at Long Term Capital but also led to their d emise when spreads continued to diverge Jane Street trades a wide variety of products, but if I m not mistaken, their largest activity is on stock and index options. It s very tough to get a job there There are around five rounds of interviews, each on getting progressively harder You will be tested on math, economics, probability and statistics To put it simply, you have to be really sharp to land a job. If you start off as a junior trader, you will get paid a base salary of around 45-50K This is a paltry amount, especially for NYC, so you ll struggle at first However, if you do well at Jane Street you ll easily make six figures The partners make seven figures. I personally don t think Jane Street is that prestigious The fact of the matter is, proprietary firms are small and have limited resources The training they give you may not be as comprehensive as what you would get at a BB trading floor If you had the option, you should take GS MS ML trading or a top hedge fund over Jane Street w ithout a question. News from Jane Street. Jane Streets London office recently moved into a shiny new building at 20 Fenchurch in the heart of the City The large, south-facing facade of 20 Fenchurch was so shiny, in fact, that it made the news Much went into shaping the new space to our needs and wants , and it shows Jane Street, and. In June we spent an evening at the Makery, a pop up maker space in NYC Our task was to make a Rube Goldberg machine that could get a small plastic ball to hit a target There were 4 groups, each of whom had the task of moving the ball to the next group The. As a long time admirer of ocaml, stuck in a job with limited but thankfully expanding opportunities to code solutions in my favoured language, I want to thank you for publishing this video for the following two reasons.1 Being the only functional programmer in my workplace, it is hard to win over traditional OOPists even after providing ocaml solutions such as parsers and on-the-fly code generators as to the long-term benefits of using ocaml.2 The sheer joy of listening to someone describe a subject with an engaging combination of wit, intelligence, energy and clarity. Jane Street Capital. The Overall Ranking is a score from 1 star very bad to 5 stars excellent generated based on the Company Reviews of current and former employees at this company, taking everything into account. The number you see in the middle of the donut pie chart is the simple average of these scores If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the breakdown of each score given. The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates to account for companies that have few reviews Simply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a true score increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset. About the position. Traders work in teams to seek out and take advan tage of pricing inefficiencies, develop models, manage risk, investigate new products, and push into new business areas. Experienced traders will mentor newer colleagues, whose responsibilities increase with their capability. Summer interns will usually split their summer between two different trading desks, and spend a week in one of Jane Street s overseas office. Previous experience or coursework in finance, business or economics is not required Jane Street is more interested in how you think and learn than what you know. Ideal candidates will be. With offices in NY, London and HK, Jane Street is trading firm that operates around the clock and around the globe, trading a wide range of financial products including - EFTs - Equities - Futures - Commodities - Options - Bonds - Currencies. Jane Street is an active participants on more than 200 electronic exchanges and other trading venues in about 40 countries around the world. 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Backed by a heritage of more t han 40 years of well control experience, the Wild Well University Well Control Training Program delivers action-oriented curricula designed to challenge students in both individual and team performance scenarios. PEICE - Petroleum Institute for Continuing Education. The Petroleum Institute for Continuing Education is a privately held training organization established in 1998 To date, we have trained thousands of petroleum industry workers and managers We believe that personal development is a by-product of several types of regular and purpose driven activities. Jee Ltd is the UK s largest independent multi-discipline subsea engineering and training company We provide high-calibre, professional training to the oil, gas and renewables industries. Generally, the stock price will be between strikes A and B. NOTE Both options have the same expiration month. Who Should Run It. NOTE This strategy is only for the most advanced option traders who like to live dangerously and watch their accounts const antly. You are anticipating minimal movement on the stock. You want the stock at or between strikes A and B at expiration, so the options expire worthless. About the Security. Options are contracts which control underlying assets, oftentimes stock It is possible to buy own or long or sell write or short an option to initiate a position Options are traded through a broker, like TradeKing, who charges a commission when buying or selling option contracts. Options The Basics is a great place to start when learning about options Before trading options carefully consider your objectives, the risks, transaction costs and fees. A short strangle gives you the obligation to buy the stock at strike price A and the obligation to sell the stock at strike price B if the options are assigned You are predicting the stock price will remain somewhere between strike A and strike B, and the options you sell will expire worthless. By selling two options, you significantly increase the income you would have achiev ed from selling a put or a call alone But that comes at a cost You have unlimited risk on the upside and substantial downside risk To avoid being exposed to such risk, you may wish to consider using an iron condor instead. Like the short straddle advanced traders might run this strategy to take advantage of a possible decrease in effect of implied volatility If implied volatility is abnormally high for no apparent reason, the call and put may be overvalued After the sale, the idea is to wait for volatility to drop and close the position at a profit. Maximum Potential Profit. Potential profit is limited to the net credit received. Maximum Potential Loss. If the stock goes up, your losses could be theoretically unlimited. If the stock goes down, your losses may be substantial but limited to strike A minus the net credit received. Break-even at Expiration. There are two break-even points. Strike A minus the net credit received. Strike B plus the net credit received. TradeKing Margin Requirements. Mar gin requirement is the short call or short put requirement whichever is greater , plus the premium received from the other side. NOTE The net credit received from establishing the short strangle may be applied to the initial margin requirement. After this position is established, an ongoing maintenance margin requirement may apply That means depending on how the underlying performs, an increase or decrease in the required margin is possible Keep in mind this requirement is subject to change and is on a per-unit basis So don t forget to multiply by the total number of units when you re doing the math. As Time Goes By. For this strategy, time decay is your best friend It works doubly in your favor, eroding the price of both options you sold That means if you choose to close your position prior to expiration, it will be less expensive to buy it back. After the strategy is established, you really want implied volatility to decrease An increase in implied volatility is dangerous because it works doubly against you by increasing the price of both options you sold That means if you wish to close your position prior to expiration, it will be more expensive to buy back those options. An increase in implied volatility also suggests an increased possibility of a price swing, whereas you want the stock price to remain stable between strike A and strike B. Chief Trading Desk Strategist Morgan Stanley. Carlos Egea is the chief trading desk strategist for the rates trading group in London Prior to his current role he was the chief trading strategist for peripheral European countries covering both banks and sovereign debt markets. Before joining the trading desk, Carlos was a strategist in Fixed Income Research covering European banks and macro strategy themes and an analyst in the European banks team in Equity Research where he focussed on investment banks Prior to joining Morgan Stanley in 2008, Carlos worked at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt and in New York for JPMorgan He starte d his career at the Bank of Spain. Carlos is a graduate of CEU Luis Vives in Madrid and Columbia University Law School in New York City and a tenured staff member of the Bank of Spain He is a member of the ECB s Bond Market Contact Group. Here are the key figures. Over 1 9 trillion dollars a day traded in 2004.That grew to 3 2 trillion by 2007 a 70 increase. Daily volume is now nearly 4 0 trillion and the market is still growing. Forex dwarfes other markets. It has 11 times the daily volume of all other global exchanges combined. Its daily turnover is 40 times the New York Stock Exchange NYSE. 300 are traded every day for every person on the planet. A week s worth of forex trading is more than the annual United States GDP. The major forex trading centres are the United States, Great Britain and Japan Market activity peaks when more than one is open. High probability trading strategies download chile stock exchange wiki. 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Options are contracts giving the purchaser the right to buy or sell a security, such as stocks, at a fixed price within a specific period of time Because options cost less than stock, they are a versatile trading instrument, while providing a high leverage approach to trading that can limit the overall risk of a trade or provide additional income If you re an investor with some general knowledge of trading but want a better understanding of risk factor s, new techniques, and an overall improved profit outcome, Trading Options For Dummies is for you. Helps you determine and manage your risk, guard your assets using options, protect your rights, and satisfy your contract obligations. Provides expert insight on combining options to limit your position risk. Offers step-by-step instruction on ways to capitalize on sideways movements. Covers what you need to know about options contract specifications and mechanics. 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Resources for Further Investigation Learning Tactics and Strategies. The Nature of Learning Tactics and Strategies. A learning strategy is a general plan that a learner formulates for achieving a somewhat distant academic goal like getting an A on your next exam Like all strategies, it specifies what will be done to achieve the goal, where it will be done, and when it will be done. A learning tactic is a specific technique like a memory aid or a form of notetaking that a learner uses to accomplish an immediate objective such as to understand the concepts in a textbook chapter and how they relate to one another. As you can see, tactics have an integral connection to strategies They are the learning tools that move you closer to your goal Thus, they have to be chosen so as to be co nsistent with the goals of a strategy. If you had to recall verbatim the preamble to the U S Constitution, for example, would you use a learning tactic that would help you understand the gist of each stanza or one that would allow for accurate and complete recall It is surprising how often students fail to consider this point. Because understanding the different types and roles of tactics will help you better understand the process of strategy formulation, we will discuss tactics first. Types of Tactics. Most learning tactics can be placed in one of two categories based on each tactic s intended primary purpose. One category, called memory-directed tactics, contains techniques that help produce accurate storage and retrieval of information. The second category, called comprehension-directed tactics, contains techniques that aid in understanding the meaning of ideas and their interrelationships Levin, 1982.Within each category there are specific tactics from which one can choose Because of sp ace limitations, we cannot discuss them all Instead, we have chosen to briefly discuss a few that are either very popular with students or have been shown to be reasonably effective. The first two, rehearsal and mnemonic devices, are memory-directed tactics Both can take several forms and are used by students of almost every age. The last two, notetaking and self-questioning, are comprehension-directed tactics and are used frequently by students from the upper elementary grades through college. The simplest form of rehearsal, rote rehearsal, is one of the earliest tactics to appear during childhood and is used by most everyone on occasion It is not a particularly effective tactic for long-term storage and recall because it does not produce distinct encoding or good retrieval cues although, as discussed earlier, it is a useful tactic for purposes of short-term memory. According to research reviewed by Kail 1990 , most five - and six-year-olds do not rehearse at all Seven-year-olds sometimes use the simplest form of rehearsal By eight years of age, instead of rehearsing single pieces of information one at a time, youngsters start to rehearse several items together as a set. A slightly more advanced version, called cumulative rehearsal, involves rehearsing a small set of items for several repetitions, dropping the item at the top of the list and adding a new one, giving the set several repetitions, dropping the item at the head of the set and adding a new one, rehearsing the set, and so on. By early adolescence rehearsal reflects the learner s growing awareness of the organizational properties of information When given a list of randomly arranged words from familiar categories, thirteen-year-olds will group items by category to form rehearsal sets. A mnemonic device is a memory-directed tactic that helps a learner transform or organize information to enhance its retrievability. Such devices can be used to learn and remember individual items of information a name, a fact, a dat e , sets of information a list of names, a list of vocabulary definitions, a sequence of events , and ideas expressed in text. These devices range from simple, easy-to-learn techniques to somewhat complex systems that require a fair amount of practice Since they incorporate visual and verbal forms of elaborative encoding, their effectiveness is due to the same factors that make imagery and category clustering successful--organization and meaningfulness. Since students are expected to demonstrate much of what they know by answering written test questions, self-questioning can be a valuable learning tactic. The key to using questions profitably is to recognize that different types of questions make different cognitive demands Some questions require little more than verbatim recall or recognition of simple facts and details. If an exam is to stress factual recall, then it may be helpful for a student to generate such questions while studying Other questions, however, assess comprehension, app lication, or synthesis of main ideas or other high level information. Since many teachers favor higher-level test questions, we will focus on self questioning as an aid to comprehension. Much of the research on self-questioning addresses two basic questions.1 Can students as young as those in fourth grade be trained to write comprehension questions about the content of a reading passage.2 And does writing such questions lead to better comprehension of the passage in comparison to students who do not write questions. The answer to both questions is yes if certain conditions are present Research on teaching students how to generate questions as they read see, for example, Wong, 1985 Mevarech Susak, 1993 suggests that the following conditions play a major role in self-questioning s effectiveness as a comprehension-directed learning tactic.1 The amount of prior knowledge the questioner has about the topic of the passage.2 The amount of metacognitive knowledge the questioner has compiled.3 The clarity of instructions.4 The instructional format.5 The amount of practice allowed the student.6 The length of each practice session. As a learning tactic, notetaking comes with good news and bad. The good news is that notetaking can benefit a student in two ways First, the process of taking notes while listening to a lecture or reading a text leads to better retention and comprehension of the noted information than just listening or reading does. Second, the process of reviewing notes produces additional chances to recall and comprehend the noted material The bad news is that we know very little at the present time about the specific conditions that make notetaking an effective tactic. Using Learning Strategies Effectively. The Components of a Learning Strategy. As noted, a learning strategy is a plan for accomplishing a learning goal It consists of six components metacognition, analysis, planning, implementation of the plan, monitoring of progress, and modification To give you a better i dea of how to formulate a learning strategy of your own, here is a detailed description of each of these components Snowman, 1986, 1987.1 Metacognition In the absence of some minimal awareness of how we think and how our thought processes affect our academic performance, a strategic approach to learning is simply not possible. We need to know, at the very least, that effective learning requires an analysis of the learning situation, formulation of a learning plan, skillful implementation of appropriate tactics, periodic monitoring of our progress, and modification of things that go wrong. In addition, we need to know why each of these steps is necessary, when each step should be carried out, and how well prepared we are to perform each step. Without this knowledge, students who are taught one or more of the learning tactics mentioned earlier do not keep up their use for very long, nor do they apply the tactics to relevant tasks.2 Analysis Any workable plan must be based on relevant inform ation By thinking about the type of task that one must confront, the type of material that one has to learn, the personal characteristics that one possesses, and the way in which one s competence will be tested, the strategic learner can generate this information by playing the role of an investigative journalist and asking questions that pertain to what, when, where, why, who, and how. In this way the learner can identify important aspects of the material to be learned what, when, where , understand the nature of the test that will be given why , recognize relevant personal learner characteristics who , and identify potentially useful learning activities or tactics how.3 Planning Once satisfactory answers have been gained from the analysis phase, the strategic learner then formulates a learning plan by hypothesizing something like this. I know something about the material to be learned I have to read and comprehend five chapters of my music appreciation text within the next three weeks , the nature of the criterion I will have to compare and contrast the musical structure of symphonies that were written by Beethoven, Schubert, and Brahms , my strengths and weaknesses as a learner I am good at tasks that involve the identification of similarities and differences, but I have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time , and the nature of various learning activities skimming is a good way to get a general sense of the structure of a chapter mnemonic devices make memorizing important details easier and more reliable notetaking and self-questioning are more effective ways to enhance comprehension than simple rereading. Based on this knowledge, I should divide each chapter into several smaller units that will take no longer than thirty minutes to read, take notes as I read, answer self-generated compare-and-contrast questions, use the loci mnemonic to memorize details, and repeat this sequence several times over the course of each week.4 Implementation of the plan Once the learner has formulated a plan, each of its elements must be implemented skillfully. A careful analysis and a well-conceived plan will not work if tactics are carried out badly Of course, a poorly executed plan may not be entirely attributable to a learner s tactical skill deficiencies. Part of the problem may be a general lack of knowledge about what conditions make for effective use of tactics as is the case with notetaking.5 Monitoring of progress Once the learning process is under way, the strategic learner assesses how well the chosen tactics are working. Possible monitoring techniques include writing out a summary, giving an oral presentation, working practice problems, and answering questions.6 Modification If the monitoring assessment is positive, the learner may decide that no changes are needed. If, however, attempts to memorize or understand the learning material seem to be producing unsatisfactory results, the learner will need to reevaluate and modify the analysis This, in turn, will cause changes in both the plan and the implementation. There are two points we would like to emphasize about the nature of a learning strategy. The first is that learning conditions constantly change Subject matters have different types of information and structures, teachers use different instructional methods and have different styles, exams differ in the kinds of demands they make, and the interests, motives, and capabilities of students change over time. Accordingly, strategies must be formulated or constructed anew as one moves from task to task rather than selected from a bank of previously formulated strategies The true s trategist, in other words, is very mentally active. The second point is that the concept of a learning strategy is obviously complex and requires a certain level of intellectual maturity. Thus, you may be tempted to conclude that, although you could do it, learning to be strategic is beyond the reach of most elementary and high school students Research evidence suggests otherwise, however A study of high school students in Scotland, for example, found that some students are sensitive to contextual differences among school tasks and vary their approach to studying accordingly Selmes, 1987.Furthermore, as we are about to show, research in the United States suggests that elementary grade youngsters can be trained to use many of the strategy components just mentioned. Research on Learning Strategy Training Reciprocal Teaching. A study of strategy training aimed at improving reading comprehension is the reciprocal teaching RT program of Annemarie Palincsar and Ann Brown 1984.As the title of thi s program indicates, students learn certain comprehension skills by demonstrating them to each other Palincsar and Brown trained a small group of seventh graders whose reading comprehension scores were at least two years below grade level to use the techniques of summarizing, self-questioning, clarifying, and predicting to improve their reading comprehension These four methods were chosen because they can be used by students to improve and monitor comprehension. During the early training sessions, the teacher explained and demonstrated the four methods while reading various passages The students were then given gradually increasing responsibility for demonstrating these techniques to their peers, with the teacher supplying prompts and corrective feedback as needed. Eventually, each student was expected to offer a good summary of a passage, pose questions about important ideas, clarify ambiguous words or phrases, and predict upcoming events, all to be done with little or no intervention b y the teacher. Palincsar and Brown found that the RT program produced two general beneficial effects. First, the quality of students summaries, questions, clarifications, and predictions improved Early in the program students produced overly detailed summaries and many unclear questions But in later sessions concise summaries and questions dealing explicitly with main ideas were the rule. For example, questions on main ideas increased from 54 percent to 70 percent In addition, the questions were increasingly stated in paraphrase form rather than as verbatim statements from the passage. Second, RT-trained students scored as well as a group of average readers on tests of comprehension about 75 percent correct for both groups and much better than a group taught how to locate information that might show up in a test question 75 percent correct versus 45 percent correct. Most impressively, these levels of performance held up for at least eight weeks after the study ended no measures were taken a fter that point and generalized to tests of social studies and science 20 percent correct prior to training versus 60 percent correct after training. Subsequent research on the effectiveness of RT has continued to produce positive findings across a broad age spectrum fourth grade through college On the average, RT students have scored at the 62nd percentile on standardized reading comprehension tests compared to the 50th percentile for the average control student and at the 81st percentile rank on reading comprehension tests that were created by the experimenters Rosenshine Meister, 1994.Suggestions for Teaching in Your Classroom.1 Demonstrate a variety of learning tactics, and allow students to practice them. a Teach students how to use various forms of rehearsal and mnemonic devices. At least two reasons recommend the teaching of rehearsal One is that maintenance rehearsal is a useful tactic for keeping a relatively small amount of information active in short-term memory. The other is th at maintenance rehearsal is one of a few tactics that young children can learn to use If you do decide to teach rehearsal, we have two suggestions. First, remind young children that rehearsal is something that learners consciously decide to do when they want to remember things. Second, remind students to rehearse no more than seven items or chunks at a time. Upper elementary grade students fourth, fifth, and sixth graders can be taught advanced forms of maintenance rehearsal, such as cumulative rehearsal, and forms of elaborative rehearsal, such as rehearsing sets of items that form homogeneous categories As with younger students, provide several opportunities each week to practice these skills. As you prepare class presentations or encounter bits of information that students seem to have difficulty learning, ask yourself if a mnemonic device would be useful You might write up a list of the devices discussed earlier and refer to it often. Part of the value of mnemonic devices is that they m ake learning easier They are also fun to make up and use Moreover, rhymes, acronyms, and acrostics can be constructed rather quickly. You might consider setting aside about thirty minutes two or three times a week to teach mnemonics First, explain how rhyme, acronym, and acrostic mnemonics work, and then provide examples of each For younger children use short, simple rhymes like Columbus crossed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred ninety-two For older students, the rhymes can be longer and more complex. Acrostics can be used to remember particularly difficult spelling words The word arithmetic can be spelled by taking the first letter from each word of the following sentence a rat in the house may eat the ice cream Once students understand how the mnemonic is supposed to work, have them construct mnemonics to learn various facts and concepts You might offer a prize for the most ingenious mnemonic. b Teach students how to formulate comprehension questions. We concluded earlier that self-ques tioning could be an effective comprehension tactic if students were trained to write good comprehension questions and given opportunities to practice the technique We suggest you try the following instructional sequence.1 Discuss the purpose of student-generated questions.2 Point out the differences between knowledge level questions and comprehension-level questions An excellent discussion of this distinction can be found in the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I Cognitive Domain Bloom et al 1956.3 Provide students with a sample paragraph and several comprehension questions Again, good examples of comprehension questions and guidelines for writing your own can be found in the Taxonomy.4 Hand out paragraphs from which students can practice constructing questions.5 Provide corrective feedback.6 Give students short passages from which to practice.7 Provide corrective feedback Andr Anderson, 1978 1979.c Teach students how to take notes. Despite the limitations of research on not etaking, mentioned earlier, three suggestions should lead to more effective notetaking. First, provide students with clear, detailed objectives for every reading assignment The objectives should indicate what parts of the assignment to focus on and how that material should be processed whether memorized verbatim, reorganized and paraphrased, or integrated with earlier reading assignments. Second, inform students that notetaking is an effective comprehension tactic when used appropriately Think, for example, about a reading passage that is long and for which test items will demand analysis and synthesis of broad concepts as in Compare and contrast the economic, social, and political causes of World War I with those of World War II Tell students to concentrate on identifying main ideas and supporting details, paraphrase this information, and record similarities and differences. Third, provide students with practice and corrective feedback in answering questions that are similar to those on the criterion test.2 Encourage students to think about the various conditions that affect how they learn and remember. The very youngest students through third grade should be told periodically that such cognitive behaviors as describing, recalling, guessing, and understanding mean different things, produce different results, and vary in how well they fit a task s demands. For older elementary school and middle school students, explain the learning process more simply, focusing on the circumstances in which different learning tactics are likely to be useful Then, have students keep a diary or log in which they note when they use learning tactics, which ones, and with what success. Look for cases where good performance corresponds to frequent reported use of tactics, and positively reinforce those individuals Encourage greater use of tactics among students whose performance and reported use of them are below average. While this same technique can be used with high school and college student s, they should also be made aware of the other elements that make up strategic learning. Discuss the meaning of and necessity for analyzing a learning task, developing a learning plan, using appropriate tactics, monitoring the effectiveness of the plan, and implementing whatever corrective measures might be called for.3 Each time you prepare an assignment, think about learning strategies that you and your students might use. As noted in our earlier discussion of age trends in metacognition, virtually all elementary school students and many high school students will not be able to devise and use their own coordinated set of learning strategies. Accordingly, you should devise such strategies for them, explain how the strategies work, and urge them to use these techniques on their own. With high school students, you might consider giving a how to study lecture at the beginning of a report period to provide your students with general information about learning strategies Even if you do give su ch an orientation, however, it would still be wise to give specific instructions as each assignment is made. In devising learning strategies, follow the procedure that was described earlier in this chapter analyze, plan, implement, monitor, modify When you analyze, take into account not only the material to be learned and the nature of the tests you will give but also the cognitive characteristics of the learners. Resources for Further Investigation Learning Tactics and Strategies. One of the most popular and useful memory improvement books available is The Memory Book 1974 , by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas They explain why and how you should think up ridiculous associations, offer suggestions for using substitute words, provide techniques for learning foreign and English vocabulary, and describe ways to remember names and faces. Bernice Bragstad and Sharyn Stumpf offer practical advice and instructional materials for teachers of study skills in A Guidebook for Teaching Study Skills and M otivation 2d ed 1987.Meredith Gall, Joyce Gall, Dennis Jacobsen, and Terry Bullock outline why it is important to teach students study skills, summarize underlying theories of information processing and motivation, and describe how a school or district can implement a study skills program in Tools for Learning A Guide to Teaching Study Skills 1990.In Part C of Teaching Reading, Writing, and Study Strategies 3d ed 1983 , H Alan Robinson describes patterns of writing text structures and associated comprehension tactics for four major content areas science, social studies, English, and mathematics. A complete list of projects on cognitive skills development approved by the Department of Education for national dissemination for elementary through high school educators is found on-line at the Department of Education The site is maintained by the National Diffusion Network and is equivalent to its Educational Programs That Work, twentieth edition print catalogue. This was excerpted from Chapte r 9 of Biehler Snowman, PSYCHOLOGY APPLIED TO TEACHING, 8 e, Houghton Mifflin Co 1997.For more information on Cognitive Learning Strategy in Orlich et al TEACHING STRATEGIES, Houghton Mifflin Co 1998, see pages 50-54.For more information on Cognitive Learning Strategy in the Grabes INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY FOR MEANINGFUL LEARNING, Houghton Mifflin Co 2 e 1998, see pages 33-50 on Cognitive Models of Learning and the Fundamential Properties of Mental Activity. For more information on Cognitive Strategy in Gage Berliner, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 6 e, 1998, see Chapter 7, Cognitive Learning. BrainHealth Research Shows Strategic Thinking Strengthens Intellectual Capacity. Monday, April 28, 2014.Strategy-based cognitive training has the potential to enhance cognitive performance and spill over to real-life benefit according to a data-driven perspective article by the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience T he research-based perspective highlights cognitive, neural and real-life changes measured in randomized clinical trials that compared a gist-reasoning strategy-training program to memory training in populations ranging from teenagers to healthy older adults, individuals with brain injury to those at-risk for Alzheimers disease. Our brains are wired to be inspired, said Dr Sandra Bond Chapman founder and chief director of the Center for BrainHeath and Dee Wyly Distinguished University Chair at The University of Texas at Dallas One of the key differences in our studies from other interventional research aimed at improving cognitive abilities is that we did not focus on specific cognitive functions such as speed of processing, memory, or learning isolated new skills Instead, the gist reasoning training program encouraged use of a common set of multi-dimensional thinking strategies to synthesize information and elimination of toxic habits that impair efficient brain performance. The training across the studies was short, ranging from 8 to 12 sessions delivered over one to two months in 45 to 60 minute time periods The protocol focused on three cognitive strategies -- strategic attention, integrated reasoning and innovation These strategies are hierarchical in nature and can be broadly applied to most complex daily life mental activities. At a basic level, research participants were encouraged to filter competing information that is irrelevant and focus only on important information At more advanced levels, participants were instructed to generate interpretations, themes or generalized statements from information they were wanting or needing to read, for example Each strategy built on previous strategies and research participants were challenged to integrate all steps when tackling mental activities both inside and outside of training. Cognitive gains were documented in trained areas such as abstracting, reasoning, and innovating, said Chapman And benefits also spilled over to untrained areas such as memory for facts, planning, and problem solving Whats exciting about this work is that in randomized trials comparing gist reasoning training to memory training, we found that it was not learning new information that engaged widespread brain networks and elevated cognitive performance, but rather actually deeper processing of information and using that information in new ways that augmented brain performance. Strengthening intellectual capacity is no longer science fiction what used to seem improbable is now in the realm of reality. Positive physical changes within the brain and cognitive improvement across populations in response to strategy-based mental training demonstrate the neuro-regenerative potential of the brain. The ability to recognize, synthesize and create the essence of complex ideas and problems to solve are fundamental skills for academic, occupational and real-life success, Chapman said The capacity to enhance cognition and complex neural networ ks in health, after injury or disease diagnosis will have major implications to preventing, diagnosing and treating cognitive decline and enhancing cognitive performance in youth to prepare them for an unknown future and in middle age to older adults who want to remain mentally robust. Related News Articles. Online Cognitive strategy training definition.

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